Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z tytułami poświęconymi problemowi Państwa Islamskiego. Oferta zróżnicowana - wielość perspektyw.
Though capable of staging spectacular attacks like 9/11, jihadist organizations were not a significant force on the ground when they first became notorious in the shape of al-Qa‘ida at the turn of century. The West’s initial successes in the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan weakened their support still further.
Today, as renowned Middle East commentator Patrick Cockburn sets out in this explosive new book, that’s all changed. Exploiting the missteps of the West’s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, as well as its misjudgments in relation to Syria and the uprisings of the Arab Spring, jihadist organizations, of which ISIS is the most important, are swiftly expanding. They now control a geographical territory greater in size than Britain or Michigan, stretching from the Sunni heartlands in the north and west of Iraq through a broad swath of north-east Syria. On the back of their capture of Mosul and much of northern Iraq in June 2014, the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been declared the head of a new caliphate that demands the allegiance of all Muslims.
KONTAKT: Piotr Wawrzeńczyk; piotr@literatura.com.pl
The rise of the terrorist group ISIS seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute no one had heard of them. Then suddenly they were releasing horrifying videos of beheadings of journalists and aid workers and threatening anyone who doesn't agree with their insanely violent agenda.
Publisher are scrambling to get terrorist experts on board to meet the demand for knowledge about this new security threat. HarperCollins' imprint Ecco has acquired the rights to the book ISIS: The State of Terror by Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger. The nonfiction book will be released on January 27, 2015.
KONTAKT: Renata Paczewska; renata@literatura.com.pl
This important books gives readers a better understanding of the terrorist group known as ISIS--its origins (Al Queda,) its goals (unrelenting jihad on Christians,) and its catastrophic capabilities (massive loss of human life.) Further, readers will learn about Hamas, separate from ISIS, but equally brutal in its war against Israel.
Included is an overview of the law of war and war crimes--key to understanding who is guilty and who is innocent in the war on terror and why the U.S military and Israeli Defense Forces are often limited in their defensive measures. Readers will be encouraged by the stories of the incredible bravery of men and women in uniform who, despite incredible odds, have confronted the horrors of jihad and laid down their lives to protect the innocent. The authors also outline what readers can do—what our nation can do—to stop an emerging genocide, defeat jihad, and protect Israel and America. Rise of ISIS: the Coming Massacre equips readers to raise this issue on social media, in their communities, and with their elected representatives.
KONTAKT: Agata Żabowska; agata@literatura.com.pl

"A senile clown", "Bloodthirsty Guttersnipe", "Undisciplined Swine", "Gangster", "Drunkard"...
Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill clashed for years in public as their opinions of each other and feuding helped determine the course of the Second World War. As diplomatic and military episodes unfolded - both men analysed, commentated upon, and taunted each other with Churchill continuing to do so for many years after Hitler's death. Yet, until now, there has been no dedicated, detailed history of the men's rivalry.
Based on three years of research in archives across Britain, Germany and the United States, Churchill versus Hitler: War of Words chronicles the Second World War, and much more, through the protagonists' speeches, writings and private conversations, and includes revealing perspectives from other major figures including Goebbels, Roosevelt and Chamberlain.
This fascinating book sets the battle for victory in the context of the momentous historical developments of the age and new light is shed upon various incidents in both men's lives including their first encounters of each other, and their abortive meeting in 1932. What becomes clear is that the opinions of the two leaders were more complicated and changeable than is often assumed.
Introduction to
Churchill versus Hitler: War of Words
A History of WW2 and more from the Two Men's Perspectives
Piotr Wawrzeńczyk

Zapraszamy na spotkanie z wybitnym izraelskim pisarzem Dawidem Grosmanem z okazji polskiej premiery powieści „Bądź mi nożem”
Spotkanie odbędzie się w Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich w Warszawie 15 października (środa), o godz. 17.00
Rozmowę z autorem słynnych powieści „Patrz pod: Miłość” i „Tam, gdzie kończy się kraj” poprowadzi Justyna Sobolewska >>> więcej
Współorganizatorem spotkania jest wydawnictwo Świat Książki oraz Ambasada Izraela w Polsce.
Z kolei 16 października Grosman będzie gościem wrocławskiego Bruno Schulz Festival.
Dawid Grosman to jeden z najwybitniejszych pisarzy izraelskich, o wielkim międzynarodowym uznaniu. Jest laureatem wielu prestiżowych nagród: Nelly Sachs, Sapir, Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et Belles Lettres, Valumbrosa, Eliette von Karajan, Premio Grinzane, Premio Mondelo. Dziennik „The New York Times” przyrównał powieść Grossmana „Patrz pod: Miłość” do „Wściekłości i wrzasku” Faulknera, „Blaszanego bębenka” Grassa i „Stu lat samotności” Marqueza.
Dawid Grosman urodził się w 1954 roku w Jerozolimie. Studiował filozofię i dramatopisarstwo. Jego twórczość obejmuje powieści, opowiadania i eseje. Z dorobku Grosmana w Polsce dotychczas ukazały się powieści „Kto ze mną pobiegnie”, „Patrz pod: Miłość”, „Tam, gdzie kończy się kraj” i najbardziej osobista książka pisarza „Poza czasem”. 8 października 2014 r. nakładem wydawnictwa Świat Książki ukaże się powieść „Bądź mi nożem”. W przygotowaniu są kolejne: „The Book of Intimate Grammar” (Księga gramatyki intymnej) oraz „Her Body Knows” (Ciałem rozumiem).
fot: Michael Lionstar

A hauntingly affecting tale of the loves and losses of six generations of women in a family of firefighters, spanning from famine era-Ireland to Brooklyn a decade after 9/11.
Katie Rourke-McKenna is nine when her mother is killed in the World Trade Center. Being adopted makes her different than most children of 9/11: the mother she’s loved her whole life is gone; still in the world is the one she’s never met. Katie doesn’t know her biological family, but in stories that focus on mothers, daughters, wives, we meet them all and watch them grapple with the role of living with those who face down danger most of us are lucky never to encounter at the ring of a bell. Suffering the untimely deaths of fathers, husbands, brothers, dealing with unwanted—and fervently longed for—pregnancies, coming to grips with their sexuality—their problems are universal, yet uniquely told. Each woman plays a role in the others’ narratives as the novel explores how the inner lives of women are bequeathed down through the generations. When Katie is nineteen, she decides it is time to find her birth mother, and her search draws the narratives together into one riveting whole.
Poignant, wise, and filled with the emotional wounds and ultimate resilience of six generations of women connected in the most intimate way to the dangers of fire, THE ASHES OF FIERY WEATHER is a tour de force in the tradition of Let the Great World Spin with the sensibilities of Alice McDermott.
Kathleen Donohoe grew up in Brooklyn; there are six New York City firefighters in her family. Her fiction has been published in SNReview, Web Conjunctions, Hampton Shorts, Harpur Palate, Washington Square, New York Stories and The Recorder: Journal of the American Irish Historical Society. She serves on the board of Irish American Writers & Artists and is a regular participant in IAW&A’s bimonthly reading series. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and young son and is currently at work on her second novel.
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Piotr Wawrzeńczyk

I wanted to share the exciting news that during August and September, The United Nations has sent Brandon Stanton on a World Tour. The trip will span over 25,000 miles and circumnavigate the globe. In his words "we hope this trip may in some way help to inspire a global perspective, while bringing awareness to the challenges that we all need to tackle together."
Based on the blog with more than four million loyal fans, a beautiful, heartfelt, funny, and inspiring collection of photographs and stories capturing the spirit of a city
Brandon came to New York four years ago, at age 26, an amateur street photographer with the idea of creating what he calls “a visual census” of the five boroughs: What he has created has now become, in the words of The New York Times: "...an instant publishing phenomenon." HONY has been featured in The Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, he has appeared on Nightline, CBS This Morning, Fox and Friends, has been a "person of the week" on the ABC Nightly News and a Time Magazine "30 under 30 who have changed the world.
In the last six months HONY's facebook following has quadrupled, from one million followers to four. In Fall 2014, St. Martin's will re-promote and re-distribute HONY along with the FSG publication of LITTLE HUMANS. In 2015 a new major adult book will arrive, with the same lavish production quality and design, with a focus shift (as on the website) to include longer form stories along with the photos.
Piotr Wawrzeńczyk