Xiaolu Guo, autorka powieści I AM CHINA przyjeżdza w kwietniu do Polski. Prawa wolne!
„I’m China”, to opowieść umiejscowiona w Londynie, Dover i Pekinie. Książka opowiada historię tłumaczki odkrywającej wieloletni związek rozdzielonych kochanków Mu i Jiana. Los muzyka Jiana jest nieznany, a Mu pisze z Pekinu listy próbując go wytropić w Dover. Czytając listy tłumaczka odbywa dwudziestoletnią podróż przez historię Chin oraz związku dwójki ludzi.
Xiaolu Guo – znajduje się na brytyjskiej liście najlepszych pisarzy i pisarek przed czterdziestką według brytyjskiego magazynu Granta. Xiaolu Guo jest przejmująca, wyrazista, zabawna i często niepokojąco dokładna. Napisała sześć powieści. Jest również reżyserką.
April 7th: 19.00 Open meeting in Warsaw
Xiaolu’s Talk moderated by Jakub Majmurek, screening "UFO in her eyes"
April 8th, Wednesday
Xiaolu’s general lecture, 18.00 Open meeting in Gdańsk in our cultural center
April 9th, Thursday
17.00 Meeting in Sopot - reading club in public library - Xiaolu discussing "I'm China"
kontakt: renata@literatura.com.pl

Do grona naszych reprezentacji dołączyła agencja literacka Elli Scher.
The Ella Sher Literary Agency manages foreign rights for Spanish and international publishing houses and represents authors for all languages.
- Victoria Álvarez (Spanish Fiction)
- Juan Aparicio Belmonte (Spanish Fiction)
- Jon Bilbao (Spanish Fiction)
- Jordi Corominas (Spanish Fiction)
- Roberto De Paz (Spanish Fiction)
- Sergio del Molino (Spanish Fiction)
- Jenn Díaz (Spanish Fiction)
- Juan Gómez Bárcena (Spanish Fiction)
- María Folguera (Spanish Fiction)
- Maria Frisa (Spanish Fiction)
- Kilian Jornet (c/o Ara Llibres) (Spanish Non Fiction)
- Jordi Llobregat (Spanish Fiction)
- Rubén Martín Giráldez (Spanish Fiction)
- Andreu Martín (Spanish Fiction)
- Cristina Morales (Spanish Fiction)
- Javier Moreno (Spanish Fiction)
- Daniel Moyano (Argentenean Fiction)
- Alex Oviedo (Spanish Fiction)
- Marc Pastor (Catalan Fiction)
- Daniel Pelegrín (Spanish Fiction)
- Alexis Ravelo (Spanish Fiction)
- Iván Repila (Spanish Fiction)
- Andrés Ressia Colino (Latin American Fiction, Uruguay)
- Rosa Ribas (Spanish Fiction)
- Ricard Ruiz Garzón (Spanish Fiction)
- Marc Serena (Catalan Fiction)
- Miguel Serrano Larraz (c/o Candaya) (Spanish Fiction)
- Juan Soto Ivars (Spanish Fiction)
- Guillermo Tato (Spanish Fiction)
- Eduardo Varas (Latin American Fiction, Ecuador)
- Richard Zimler (US Fiction)
kontakt: piotr@literatura.com.pl

Już 2 lutego brytyjski Harvill Secker opublikuje "The Dust that Falls from Dreams" Louisa de Bernières!
In the brief golden years of King Edward VII’s reign, Rosie McCosh and her three sisters are growing up in an idyllic and eccentric household in Kent, with their ‘pals’ the Pitt boys on one side of the fence and the Pendennis boys on the other. But their days of childhood innocence and adventure are destined to be followed by the apocalypse that will overwhelm their world as they come to adulthood.
kontakt: piotr@literatura.com.pl

Z radością zawiadamiamy, że autor bestsellerowych powieści Tom Rob Smith dołączył do grona naszych reprezentacji!
Oficjalna strona autora: tomrobsmith.com
W kwietniu do kin trafi ekranizacja CHILD 44 z Garym Oldmanem, Tomem Hardym, Noomi Rapace i Agnieszką Grochowską w rolach głównych! Tom Rob Smith pracuje nad 2 nowymi książkami.
Tom Rob Smith was born in 1979 to a Swedish mother and an English father. His bestselling novels in the Child 44 trilogy were international publishing sensations. Named one of the top 100 thrillers of all time by NPR, Child 44 won the International Thriller Writers Award for Best First Novel, the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award, and was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Child 44 is now a major motion picture starring Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, and Gary Oldman.
KONTAKT: piotr@literatura.com.pl

Sean Michaels has won the most lucrative literary prize in Canada - the $100,000 Scotiabank Giller Prize - for his debut novel Us Conductors.
The story is inspired by the life of Lev Sergeyevich Termen, the Russian inventor of the eerily beautiful theremin, taking him from the rambunctious New York clubs of the 1930s to the bleak gulags of the Soviet Union.
A clearly emotional Michaels took to the stage after being revealed as the winner.
"I feel like a whale who has found a whole city in his mouth," he told the audience.
More Features:
Sean Michaels: How I wrote Us Conductors
Sean Michaels reads from his novel, US Conductors
The Giller jury had praised Michaels' writing, saying "he succeeds at one of the hardest things a writer can do: he makes music seem to sing from the pages of a novel."
The Montreal-based Michaels is also a music critic and blogger, and had said he was drawn to write about the theremin because it's been so misunderstood.
WINNER 2014 - The Scotiabank Giller Prize
FINALIST 2014 – Paragraphe Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction
FINALIST 2014 – Concordia University First Book Prize