NETANYAHU'S ISRAEL. A Biography of Benjamin Netanyahu / Książka Anshela Pfeffera z pewnością pozwoli lepiej zrozumieć politykę Izraela, jak i poznać jednego z najważniejszych politycznych liderów współczesnego świata!
How does Benjamin Netanyahu do it?
Against the odds, the man who has taken on the Obama White House and the rest of the international community has won a fourth term in office and is on course to becoming Israel's longest-serving prime minister.
Despite the widespread suspicion and resentment he has aroused at home and abroad, Netanyahu has persevered and rebounded from political defeat and personal setback. Defying repeated predictions of his downfall, he has succeeded in captivating a nation and seeing off all his domestic rivals.
Netanyahu's life story has its roots in his father Benzion, the stern historian with impossible expectations of his sons, a childhood in Jerusalem, adolescence and early adulthood in the United States and the death at Entebbe of his elder brother. His initial success as a dashing diplomat and political shining star was soon overshadowed by scandal and a bungled first term as Israel's youngest prime minister.
This is the first biography written for an international audience that collects the threads of Netanyahu's tumultuous personal life, controversial public career and struggle to establish himself as the Jewish state's leader and master of its destiny. It is told with an insider's knowledge of Israel's national psyche and Netanyahu's role on the international stage, by a writer who has spent his career explaining the world to Israelis and interpreting Israel for a global readership.
KONTAKT: piotr@literatura.com.pl

W dniach 14-16 kwietnia wszyscy nasi agenci będą na Targach Książki w Londynie. Do zobaczenia!

Dominic Wilcox, autor książki VARIATIONS ON NORMAL odwiedził Polskę i udzielił wywiadu do Dzień dobry TVN. Prawa do jego książki wciąż pozostają wolne!
As we go about our day-to-day business, we see the same stuff every day. The bath, the fridge, the lamp post, the bicycle, the tree… so far, so humdrum.
But not if you are Dominic Wilcox. Dominic sees things a little differently. For him, inside each of these everyday things are hundreds of surprising ideas waiting to be discovered.
The Portable Bottom Seat, the Sick Bag Beard, Wrist Nets for the Butterfingered – Dominic's unexpected inventions, conflations and modifications promise to make your life that little bit easier, or at least more amusing.
kontakt: renata@literatura.com.pl

Wydawnictwo Czarna owieczka zaprosiło Macieja Stuhra do przeczytania bestsellerowej Książki bez obrazków - oto efekty. Książkę B.J. Novaka na język polski przetłumaczył Michał Rusinek.
I cóż może w niej być zabawnego?
Przecież jeśli w książce nie ma obrazków, to oglądać w niej można tylko słowa na stronach.
Słowa, które mogą nas zmusić do wydawania dziwacznych dźwięków…
No więc właściwie co to za książka?
Rozbrajająco prosta, a zarazem genialnie skonstruowana. Wywołuje wybuchy śmiechu za każdym razem, gdy do niej zaglądamy. Ale też pozwala przekonać dzieci, że słowo pisane może być niewyczerpanym źródłem zabawy i psot.
Ta książka wygląda poważnie, ale w rzeczywistości jest KOMPLETNIE BEZ SENSU.
Jeśli Twoje dziecko próbuje Cię nakłonić, byś ją przeczytał (lub przeczytała), oznacza to, że chce Ci spłatać psikusa. Będziesz musiała (lub musiał) mówić GŁUPSTWA i ROZŚMIESZAĆ wszystkich wokoło.
Tylko potem nie mów, że się nie ostrzygaliśmy…

DECEMBER PARK by Ronald Malfi, is the winner of the 2015 BEVERLY HILLS INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDS in the Suspense category… Congratulations to Ronald.
This exciting novel will be published in Germany by Luzifer Verlag.
"...Ronald Malfi's December Park could top the New York Times best sellers list. . . . Malfi has created a world that is intriguing, mysterious, and oddly relatable. He invites the reader to experience a roller coaster of emotions: excitement, sadness, euphoria...Go pick up a copy of this incredible book!" ~ LibraryThing Reviews
“Malfi is a man of many voices, a sort of literary version of Mel Blanc (the “man of a thousand voices”), but all of his voices are captivating, though none of them quite the same. Horror and crime fans will find much to like here.” ~ David Pitt, Booklist
Newspapers call him the Piper, because he has come to take the children away. But there are darker names for him too... In the quiet suburb of Harting Farms, the weekly crime blotter usually consists of graffiti or the occasional bout of mailbox baseball. But in the fall of 1993, children begin vanishing and one is found dead. Newspapers call him the Piper because he has come to take the children away. But there are darker names for him, too...
kontakt: agata@literatura.com.pl