Żydowski Instytut Książki przyznał najbardziej prestiżową nagrodę dla młodych pisarzy w Izraelu. W tym roku powędrowała do reprezentowanego przez ANAW autora - Mattiego Friedmana za THE ALEPPO CODEX. Zapraszamy do recenzji!
The Jewish Book Counsil has announced Matti Friedman, author of THE ALEPPO CODEX, winner of the 2014 Sami Rohr Prize, the most lucrative literary prize in the world for young writers. The Rohr Prize – given annually since 2007 and factoring the author’s potential to make significant ongoing contributions to Jewish literature – honors emerging writers who explore the Jewish experience in a specific work.
Matti Friedman’s book is an account of his investigation into the remarkable story of one of the world’s most precious manuscripts: The Aleppo Codex, the most perfect copy of the Hebrew Bible.
Written a millennium ago by a scribe at the Sea of Galilee, the codex was stolen by the Crusaders, ransomed by Jews and spirited from Jerusalem to Egypt, where it was studied by the great Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides. In the fourteenth century, it was brought to the Syrian trading city of Aleppo, where it was concealed in an ancient synagogue for six hundred years. In November, 1947, when the United Nations voted to create the state of Israel, a mob of Syrian rioters burned the synagogue, and the codex seemed to have vanished.
Based on extensive documentary evidence, most of it never before published, as well as hundreds of hours of interviews, this extraordinary book uncovers the true story of what happened to the codex. Torn from its hiding place, the manuscript was thrown into the turbulence of the twentieth-century Middle East, smuggled across borders, lied about and fought over.
THE ALEPPO CODEX follows the trail from Aleppo to Jerusalem and then to London and New York, through a dramatic trial, two thefts, and a murder. The cast includes Mossad agents, antiquities dealers and collectors, rabbis, and scholars with something to hide. Friedman, an AP correspondent, tells the fascinating story of how the codex came back to its current home in Jerusalem, and unravels an enduring mystery surrounding the codex – the disappearance of some two hundred of its priceless pages – and brings the investigation to an unexpected conclusion.
Rights sold to:
USA, Algonquin Books; Germany, Herder Verlag; France, Albin Michel; Holland, Lanoo Publishers; Australia: Scribe Publications; Czech Republic, Pistorius; Korea, Gloseum; Israel, Kinneret Zmora Bitan
”The Aleppo Codex could be read as a thriller. It could also be read as a history of the Jewish people, or as a meditation on history and myth... This great book comes closer to containing everything than any book I’ve read in a long, long time.”
Jonathan Safran Foer
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem proszone są o kontakt mailowy z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl

W naszej ofercie pojawili się Turcy. Najlepsi z najlepszych. Istnieje możliwość dofinansowania przekładu. Zapraszamy do zamawiania materiałów recenzenckich!
The novel is based on the relationship between the individual and the crowd: His father’s involvement in human trafficking introduces a nine-year-old boy to the phenomenon of illegal migration. His upbringing forces him to witness the crushing reality of socio-economic inequality.
A young boy charged with the basic needs of illegal refugees hiding in a storeroom, and his relationship with these desperate people, whom he victimises: a demonstration of an individual’s tyranny over the crowd simply because the conditions allow it.
Later, the boy is trapped by the dead bodies of the same people as a result of a freak accident when the lorry transporting the refugees hurtles down the cliff. At this point, the crowd symbolically buries the individual, turning him into a prisoner.
In time, the boy develops an extreme form of social phobia as a direct, but delayed, result of having been trapped by those bodies. The individual has severed ties with society.
However, the boy wants to be cured and re-join society, the main reason being the individual’s need to function in society: people need other people. But there is a problem; the boy has no idea how to re-join the crowd.
And then he is confronted with a violent act: lynching. He mingles with the crowd to brutalise another individual.
He finally extricates himself from this vicious circle of crowd-individual relationship and becomes ‘himself’ once again.
The novel examines the similarities between various cultures around the world in their hatred of the ‘other’, no matter how diverse those cultures are.
The novel examines how political and social coincide with those of a young child’s personal ordeals, and deliberates whether paths to redemption are equally similar.
A boy whose name means ‘religious war’ attempts to cure his own social phobias by feeding on discrimination and hatred between nations, cultures and religions… The very same curses around the world that cause his own affliction in the first place.
Istnieje możliwość dofinansowania przekładu.
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem proszone sa o kontakt mailowy z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl
(maszynopis dostępny)

Polecamy dzisiejszy artykuł w Wysokich Obcasach, poświęcony reprezentowanej przez nas meksykańskiej pisarce Laurze Esquivel, autorce m.in. "Przepiórek w płatkach róży".
Z wiekiem zrozumiałam, że zajęcia domowe - gotowanie, opieka - są równie ważne jak działalność społeczna i polityczna - rozmowa Pauliny Reiter z meksykańską pisarką
W domu pachnie, bo Josefa Valdes znów gotuje. Życie spędza w kuchni. Karmiąc wszystkich, okazuje miłość i troskę - mężowi, trzem córkom, synowi i każdemu, kto zechce przyjść na obiad. A skoro wszyscy znają szczodrość Josefy, często wpadają goście. Jak ta bezdomna, która wysiaduje na ich ulicy i słucha głosów w swojej głowie, ale gdy Josefa zaprosi ją do stołu, normalnieje i kojarzy wszystko - że mąż Josefy to Julio Cesar Esquivel, telegrafista - i pamięta nawet imiona czwórki ich dzieci. A jak tylko zje, znów głosy wołają ją na ulicę, żeby się błąkać, chować. Ścigają ją rządowe helikoptery.
Laura Esquivel, córka Josefy, wygląda przez kuchenne okno. Ulicą znów ciągną studenci. Przez ostatnie trzy miesiące ich protesty wybuchają co kilka dni. Jest 2 października 1968 roku, Laura niedawno skończyła 18 lat. Patrzy na mamę i myśli, że ona takiego życia - przy garach - nie chce.

Jeśli macie przeczytać tylko jedną książkę o nowej światowej potędze, niech to będzie ta. Gazeta Wyborcza zachwala Chiny w dziesięciu słowach autorstwa Yu Hua.
Chiny w dziesięciu słowach
Yu Hua
przeł. Katarzyna Sarek
Wydawnictwo Akademickie "Dialog", Warszawa
Jak pisać o Chinach, by nie wyszła z tego encyklopedia? 53-letni Yu Hua zrobił to w dziesięciu słowach kluczach: każde to osobny rozdział, razem tworzą subiektywny portret kraju, który wkrótce ma zająć miejsce USA na czele świata.
Ma co opowiadać: urodził się w ciekawych czasach, za rewolucji kulturalnej, a karierę pisarską zaczynał na początku lat 80., gdy Chiny dopiero brały kurs na wolny rynek. Dziś są drugą gospodarką świata. "Pierwsze dwie dekady przeżyłem w nędzy i strachu - pisze - następne dwie w rosnącej pomyślności i swobodzie".
Przepaść między tymi okresami jest jak między Europą w średniowieczu i dziś. Jak przerzucić przez nie most? Właśnie do tego służyły mu wybrane słowa. Przy ich pomocy podróżował między teraźniejszością a przeszłością, szukając w niej przyczyn wielkiej zmiany w Chinach. Na pierwszy rzut oka to zabieg nieoczywisty, bo dzisiejsze Chiny urządzające przestronne mieszkania i przesiadające się z ryksz do samochodów wydają się całkiem inne od szarych Chin Mao. Ale zajrzawszy pod podszewkę chińskiego cudu gospodarczego, pisarz odnajduje tam przeszłość. Również własną.

THE TYPERWITER GIRL autorstwa Alison Atlee to najlepszy tytuł roku 2013 w kategorii ROMANS wg. Publishers Weekly. Zapraszamy do recenzji!
When Betsey disembarks from the London train in the seaside resort of Idensea, all she owns is a small valise and a canary in a cage. After attempting to forge a letter of reference she knew would be denied her, Betsey has been fired from the typing pool of her previous employer. Her vigorous protest left one man wounded, another jilted, and her character permanently besmirched. Now, without money or a reference for her promised job, the future looks even bleaker than the debacle behind her. But her life is about to change . . . because a young Welshman on the railroad quay, waiting for another woman, is the one man willing to believe in her.
Mr. Jones is inept in matters of love, but a genius at things mechanical. In Idensea, he has constructed a glittering pier that astounds the wealthy tourists. And in Betsey, he recognizes the ideal tour manager for the Idensea Pier & Pleasure Building Company. After a lifetime of guarding her secrets and breaking the rules, Betsey becomes a force to be reckoned with. Now she faces a challenge of another sort: not only to outrun her sins, but also to surrender to the reckless tides of love.
• Selected by Publishers Weekly as one of the "Best Romance Books of 2013" - one of 6 titles selected in the category.
• Selected as Target Emerging Author for February 2013
• Audio rights licensed to Audible
• For more information on Alison and her work, please check out: www.alisonatlee.com
“Atlee’s outstanding debut unflinchingly explores the harrowing difficulties faced by an indigent young woman trying to support herself in the harsh and unforgiving man’s world of Victorian England. “All angles and points,” both physically and emotionally, Miss Betsey Dobson is determined to prove herself in the grueling secretarial pool at the London firm of Baumston & Smythe, Insurers, but she’s at the mercy of gossiping co-workers and a lecherous junior clerk. Betsey takes her revenge and escapes, near-penniless, to the carefully researched seaside resort town of Idensea, where she’s offered a well-paying tour-manager job by young John Jones, a Welshman with “a good face, open as a summer window.” Betsey’s fierce struggles to preserve her independence and succeed in a job she knows perilously little about parallel the poignantly crescendoing attraction between her and John, complicated by his determination to “marry up”—perchance to slyly drawn villainess Miss Lillian Gilbey. Atlee’s splendid cast of supporting characters, her insights into Betsey’s passion for independence and John’s compassion for the downtrodden, and her fine eye for period detail make this an unusually satisfying feast for romance readers.”
--Publishers Weekly, *STARRED* review
“Upstairs Downstairs and Downton Abbey fans will cheer Atlee’s debut: an uncompromising view of a woman trying to make it in a man’s world. With its well- crafted story and well-drawn portrait of time and place, plus memorable secondary characters and a strong feminist approach, Atlee will garner reader respect and a broad fan base.”
--Romantic Times Book Reviews
"Dismissed from her post at a London firm after forging her own character letter, Betsey Dobson heads for Idesea, a seaside resort on England’s south coast. She needs the letter to secure the position of excursions manager, arranging outings for groups of London day-trippers. But John Jones hires Betsey anyway because of her determination and drive. John, who has spent four years supervising constructions of the resort’s pleasure railway and indoor amusement park, clashes with Sir Alton Dunning, who wants to maintain his hotel’s elegant exclusivity. In addition to completing the park, John’s plans also include finding a rich wife. Yet Betsy intrigues him, even after he learns how she was seduced and abandoned by the young gentleman in the household where she once worked as a maid. Delays and disasters dog the amusement park and excursions, wit Betsey’s employment future constantly in doubt. But romance readers can be certain that her personal future will include John…The central relationship [in THE TYPEWRITER GIRL] sweeps readers to a satisfying conclusion. Fans of Victorian-era romances will enjoy this seaside diversion."
--Library Journal
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem proszone są o kontakt z Renatą Paczewską pod adresem renata@literatura.com.pl