Dominic Wilcox w Dzień dobry TVN

Dominic Wilcox, autor książki VARIATIONS ON NORMAL odwiedził Polskę i udzielił wywiadu do Dzień dobry TVN. Prawa do jego książki wciąż pozostają wolne!
As we go about our day-to-day business, we see the same stuff every day. The bath, the fridge, the lamp post, the bicycle, the tree… so far, so humdrum.
But not if you are Dominic Wilcox. Dominic sees things a little differently. For him, inside each of these everyday things are hundreds of surprising ideas waiting to be discovered.
The Portable Bottom Seat, the Sick Bag Beard, Wrist Nets for the Butterfingered – Dominic's unexpected inventions, conflations and modifications promise to make your life that little bit easier, or at least more amusing.
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