Tom Rob Smith

Z radością zawiadamiamy, że autor bestsellerowych powieści Tom Rob Smith dołączył do grona naszych reprezentacji!
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W kwietniu do kin trafi ekranizacja CHILD 44 z Garym Oldmanem, Tomem Hardym, Noomi Rapace i Agnieszką Grochowską w rolach głównych! Tom Rob Smith pracuje nad 2 nowymi książkami.
Tom Rob Smith was born in 1979 to a Swedish mother and an English father. His bestselling novels in the Child 44 trilogy were international publishing sensations. Named one of the top 100 thrillers of all time by NPR, Child 44 won the International Thriller Writers Award for Best First Novel, the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award, and was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Child 44 is now a major motion picture starring Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, and Gary Oldman.
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