Forget Dawkins or Hitchens, this is a refreshingly unbiased non-believer's account of WHAT humans have believed across the ages, and WHY.
What first prompted prehistoric man, sheltering in the shadows of deep caves, to call upon the realm of the spirits?
And why has belief thrived ever since, leading us to invent heaven and hell, sin and redemption, and above all, gods?
Religion reflects our deepest hopes and fears; whether you are a believer or, like Matthew Kneale, a non-believer who admires mankind's capacity to create and to imagine, it has shaped our world. And as our dreams and nightmares have changed over the millennia, so have our beliefs - from shamans to Aztec priests, from Buddhists to Christians: the gods we created have evolved with us.
Belief is humanity's most epic invention. It has always been our closest companion and greatest consolation. To understand it is to better understand ourselves.
W sprawie egzemplarzy recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl

Ososby zainteresowane najnowszą książką Amandy Michalopoulou Why I Killed my Best Friend zapraszamy do zamawiania maszynopisów!
Amanda Michalopoulou was born in Athens, Greece, in1966. She has studied French Literature in Athens University and has worked for many years as a columnist for Greek newspapers. She has published six novels, three short-story collections and many children’s books. She has received the Revmata Award for her story “Life is Colorful outside” (1994) and the Diavazo Award for her highly acclaimed novel Jantes, Wishbone Memories(1996). The American translation of her book I’d Like won the International Literature Prize from the National Endowment for the Arts. The same book was also nominated for the “Best Translated Book Award” (University of Rochester). Her novels, stories and essays have been translated in ten languages. In 2013 her novel Why I Killed my Best Friend will be published by Open Letter, USA.
Osoby zainteresowane twórczością Amandy Michalapolou proszone są o kontakt z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl

Literacka nagroda Nobla w 2013 r. została przyznana przez Akademię Szwedzką Alice Munro "mistrzyni krótkiej formy literackiej" (z ang. "master of the contemporary short story").
Alice Ann Munro (ur. 10 lipca 1931 roku jako Alice Ann Laidlaw w Wingham, Ontario) - kanadyjska pisarka, autorka głównie opowiadań. Po polsku ukazało się kilka jej książek: m.in. "Taniec szczęśliwych cieni", "Kocha, lubi, szanuje...", "Uciekinierka", "Widok z Castle Rock", "Zbyt wiele szczęścia"
Uważana za jedną z najlepszych współczesnych autorek krótkich form prozatorskich. Jej opowiadania skupiają się na relacjach międzyludzkich w codziennym życiu. Akcja większości jej prozy osadzona jest w południowo-zachodniej części stanu Ontario i często obraca się wokół z pozoru trywialnych i codziennych faktów i obserwacji otaczającej rzeczywistości. Bohaterzy tych opowiadań (na ogół kobiety) to antyteza literackiej heroiczności.
W 2009 r. przyznano jej prestiżową Międzynarodową Nagrodę Bookera za całokształt twórczości literackiej. (PAP)

Zapraszamy do zamawiania maszynopisów książki "TALK ABOUT A DREAM: The Essential Interviews of Bruce Springsteen".
Bruce Springsteen loves to talk. His peformances include stage banter and stories, and his lyric sheets are packed with words. He always has something to say, about his work, his politics, and his version of what America means. And much has been written about the Boss. Fans can hope that some day Bruce will put his story into a memoir, but for now, the best of Springsteen's own words are collected here in Talk About a Dream.
Collecting nearly thirty interviews, from the very beginnings of his career in 1973 to his induction in the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame in 2012, this volume captures Springsteen's remarkable talent for taking interviews as seriously as he takes his music. These conversations chart his development as a musician and a public figure, and shed light on everything from the meanings of his lyrics to his 40 year career as a rock dynamo. Masterfully introduced and curated by Springsteen experts Phillips and Masur, this book will be the definitive collection of interviews with the Boss for decades to come.
"There have been other collections of Springsteen interviews, but this excellent volume is the most up-to-date…"
"What is most significant about the anthology is the change in Springsteen himself as he matures from a shy and inarticulate leader of a Jersey Shore bar band to the loquacious and intelligent observer of the human condition that he is today. It is a remarkable transformation and Phillips, the editor and publisher of the Springsteen magazine, Backstreets, and Masur, author of Runaway Dream: Born to Run and Bruce Springsteen’s American Vision (2010), have lovingly put it all together in one amazing volume. A worthy edition to the Springsteen literary canon."
- Starred Booklist review
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem proszone są o kontakt z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl (MS dostępny)

"LAS REPUTACIONES" Juana Gabriela Vasqueza, znalazły się na liście "50 książek, które czyta świat" magazynu do czytania: "Książki". Zapraszamy do zamawiania materiałów recenzenckich!
Javier Mallarino is a living legend. He is the most influential political cartoonist in the country, “a man capable of having a law revoked, disrupting a judge’s sentence, knocking down a mayor or seriously threatening a ministry’s stability, and with his weapons only being paper and Indian ink”. Politicians fear him, while the government pays him homage. At 65 years old, after four decades of a brilliant career, one can say that he has the world at his feet. But all of this will change when he receives the unexpected visit of a woman. Together they start to remember that one strange night which has been long forgotten, and Mallarino will be forced to re‐evaluate his life, to question his position in the world.
In Las reputaciones, Juan Gabriel Vásquez retraces his most intense obsessions: the weight of the past, the failures of memory, the way in which our lives intersect with politics. But it is also a novel on the importance of opinion in our society. In the demanding genre of the novella, which has given so many masterpieces in the Latin American tradition, Vásquez presents us with his most intimate work: an intense reflection on the weakness of public and private judgments, on the irreversible encounters that forever alter what we set down for ourselves.
“Juan Gabriel Vásquez is one of the most original new voices of Latin American literature. His first novel, The Informers, a very powerful story about the shadowy years immediately following World War II, is testimony to the richness of his imagination as well as the subtlety and elegance of his prose.”
Mario Vargas Llosa
“What Vásquez offers us, with great narrative skill, is that grey area of human actions and awareness where our capacity to make mistakes, betray, and conceal creates a chain reaction which condemns us to a world without satisfaction. Friends and enemies, wives and lovers, parents and children mix and mingle angrily, silently, blindly, while the novelist uses irony and elipsis to unmask his characters’ “self‐protective strategies” and goes with them – not discovering them, simply accompanying them – as they come to understand that an unsatisfactory life can also be the life they inherit.”
Carlos Fuentes
“For anyone who has read the entire works of Gabriel García Márquez and is in search of a new Colombian novelist, then Juan Gabriel Vásquez is a thrilling new discovery.”
Colm Toibin
Juan Gabriel Vásquez, (Bogotá, 1973) is best known as the author of EL RUIDO DE LAS COSAS AL CAER, winner of the Premio Alfaguara and the English Pen Award, and also a finalist for the Médicis. Prior to that, he wrote the short story collection LOS AMANTES DE TODOS LOS SANTOS and the novels LOS INFORMANTES, and HISTORIA SECRETA DE COSTAGUANA , all of which were rapturously received by critics and readers alike.
He studied Latin American literature at the Sorbonne in Paris, and made Barcelona his home for more than a decade. His short stories have appeared in anthologies in all over the world. He has trthe works of E.M Forster, Victor Hugo and John Hersey, among others, and his articles appear regularly both in Spanish and Latin‐American publications. Ever since the publication of his first novel, Juan Gabriel Vásquez has consistently impressed readers and reviewers with his talent, wisdom and his astonishing narrative maturity.
To date his books have received an incredible range of international acknowledgments. They have been published in 16 languages and 30 countries. He is the two‐time winner of the Premio Nacional Simón Bolívar and more noteworthy, he won the Roger Caillois in Paris in 2012 for all of his works, an award also given to Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, Ricardo Piglia and Roberto Bolaño.
LAS REPUTACIONES is is fourth and most recent novel.
Ososby zainteresowane tytułem prosimy o kontakt z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl