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W sprawie materiałów, maszynopisów oraz konsultacji ofert należy kontaktować się z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl
Marco Missiroli was born in Rimini, Italy. His first novel Senza Coda (Fanucci, 2005), won the prestigious Campiello Debut Novel Prize. This was followed by Il Buio Addosso (Guanda, 2007; Insula Roana prize winner), and Bianco (Guanda, 2009) which won three prizes: Commisso, Tondelli and della Critica. Il Senso Dell'Elefante was published by Guanda in February 2012 and has been shortlisted for the Campiello Prize. Marco writes for the culture pages of national newspaper Corriere della Sera, and for Vanity Fair.
Elena Varvello was born in Turin. After completing a Masters Degree in Creative Writing she published two collections of poetry, Perseveranza è salutare (2002) and Atlanti (2004). The short story collection L’economia delle cose (2007), nominated for the prestigious Premio Strega, won the Premio Settembrini and the Premio Bagutta Opera Prima. A short film of the same title has been based on the short story La pistola. Her novel, La luce perfetta del giorno, was published by Fandango in January 2011. Elena teaches Creative Writing at the Scuola Holden in Turin. She lives with her husband and two children in a small village in the woods, not far from her birthplace.
Fabio Stassi (1962) lives in Viterbo and works in the Oriental Institute Library of the University of Rome. He has published three novels: Fumisteria ([Joking] GBM 2006, Premio Vittorini for best first novel), È finito il nostro carnevale ([Our carnival has come to an end] minimum fax 2007, sold to Annablume/Brazil; Kein & Aber/Germany), and La rivincita di Capablanca ([Capablanca’s revenge] minimum um fax 2008, Premio Palmi 2009; Premio Coni 2009; sold to Kein & Aber/Germany). He is also the author of Holden, Lolita, Zivago e gli altri. Piccola enciclopedia dei personaggi letterari (1946–19999) ([Holden, Lolita, Zhivago, and the rest: A little encyclopedia of literary characters (1946–1999)] minimuum fax 2010). With Sellerio he has published a short story in the anthology Articolo 1. Racconti sul lavoro (Article 1: Stories about work).
Andrea Molesini was born and lives in Venice and teaches Contemporary Italian Literature at the University of Padova. He has edited and translated the works of Ezra Pound, Charles Simic and Derek Walcott. He has written stories for kids that have been translated into various languages. In 1999 he won the Andersen Prize. This debut novel Not all bastards come from Vienna surprisingly won one of the most important Italian literary awards. A moving and ambitious novel dominated by tragedy and love, hate and adventure, offering an unedited glimpse into the First World War.
Marco Malvaldi, born in Pisa in 1974 and a Chemistry researcher for the university, made his debut in 2007 with La briscola in cinque (17 editions), followed by another two novels set in the same town on the Livorno Coast, whose protagonists are four old detectives: Il gioco delle tre carte (nine editions and a finalist for the Bancarella Award and the Chianti Award 2009) and Il Re dei giochi (2010). He also published Odore di chiuso (2011), an historical detective novel whose main character is the most renowned culinary expert in Italian history, Pellegrino Artusi, author of Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well. Foreign rights for Odore di chiuso have been sold in the UK to Maclehose Press, in Germany to Piper, in Spain to Destino, in France to Christian Bourgois, in Denmark to Arvids.
The most successful series in Italy today, an original and wonderful mix of Italian dolce vita, detective story and comedy of manners. A series of mysteries set at the Bar Lume in Pineta, a small imaginary town on the Tuscan coast between Pisa and Livorno, whose main characters are four terrible old men who hang out at the bar, cynical smart-alecks who act like detectives along with the funny barman, from time to time caught up in new cases to solve. In the past five years Marco Malvaldi has gone from obscurity to fame, with more than 500,000 copies sold for the first four titles of the series.
Loredana Limona has created a wonderful whimsical world which readers won’t want to leave… BORGO PROPIZIO is a charming and assured debut reminiscent of romantic comedies such as Amelie and Chocolat. This is just a glimpse of what makes up this funny and uplifting novel by Neapolitan debut writer Loredana Limone. A new voice that will make you fall in love with the characters of Borgo Propizio and inspire you with joy. This is a novel that shows how life with all its complications can be simple and happy if only we are brave enough to be true to ourselves. Loredana Limone has just completed a sequel titled E SE LE STELLE.
Sara Rattaro published her first book, ANY USE OF YOU, with publisher Giunti in March 2012, and sold more than 32.000 copies in Italy already. The book was for many weeks in the fiction bestseller chart (18th position). Sara’s next book was auctioned between 3 big houses and it will be published in May 2013 by Garzanti.
Fabrizio Hugony
He is the author of The Reviser. GALILEO AND THE SECRETS OF THE MAYAS/Galileo e il segreto dei Maya (No Reply, December 2010) A historical thriller. The novel is mainly set in the world of today but has generous flashbacks to the epoch of the Mayas (3rd century BC), the conquest of Mexico (1518 onwards), the age of Galileo (1610-1640 c.) with a brief reference to the period of Vivaldi (1730 c.).
Elisabetta Pasquali
She is fourty-one. She lives and works in Bologna. Quattro cuori in affitto is her second novel. Before devoting herself to fiction, she has been a musical journalist and she has directed television’s programs.
In an elegant apartment in the center of Milan different perfumes overlap. The delicate bergamot of the shy Marta. Overwhelming the one of Enrica who has an impetuous nature. A bitter essence introduces Sylvia, reserved and a bit androgynous. Agata smells of sea and lemon blossom: she comes from Sicily.

Oscary 2013 dla „Operacji Argo” za najlepszy film, najlepszy scenariusz adaptowany oraz najlepszy montaż!
Operacja Argo - film Bena Afflecka na podstawie książki Matta Baglio, Antonio Mendeza okazał się największym wygranym tegorocznej Ceremonii Amerykańskiej Akademii Filmowej.
Polecamy wywiad z Tonym Mendezem:
CIA agent talks real-life events that inspired "Argo"
After answering a mysterious ad reading “artist wanted,” Tony Mendez ended up launching a long career in the CIA. He talks with TODAY’s Jenna Bush Hager about his undercover work in Iran in the 1980s that inspired the movie “Argo.”
Polskim wydawcą "Operacji Argo" jest Prószyński i Sk-a.

Trójka autorów reprezentowanych przez naszą agencje - Marilynne Robinson, Lydia Davis i Josip Novakovich znalazła się w gronie finalistów tegorocznej edycji prestiżowej The Man Booker International Prize.
The Man Booker International Prize recognises one writer for his or her achievement in fiction. Worth £60,000, the prize is awarded every two years to a living author who has published fiction either originally in English or whose work is generally available in translation in the English language. The winner is chosen solely at the discretion of the judging panel and there are no submissions from publishers.
The Man Booker International Prize is significantly different from the annual Man Booker Prize for Fiction. In seeking out literary excellence, the judges consider a writer's body of work rather than a single novel.
The American novelist and essayist, Marilynne Robinson was born in November 1943 and grew up in Sandpoint, Idaho. She attended Pembroke College, the former women’s college at Brown University, receiving her B.A., magna cum laude in 1966, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Washington in 1977.
Robinson has written three highly acclaimed novels: Housekeeping which won the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award for best first novel , the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction, the Ambassador Book Award and the 2006 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion and was nominated for the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction; Gilead which won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and Home which won the Orange Prize for Fiction 2009.
She has been writer-in-residence or visiting professor at many universities, including the University of Kent, Amherst, and the University of Massachusetts’ MFA Programme for Poets & Writers. In 2009, she held a Dwight H. Terry Lectureship at Yale University and in April 2010 she was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She currently teaches at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
Marilynne Robinson lives in Iowa City, USA.
Osoby zainteresowane prawami prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Renatą Paczewską pod adresem renata@literatura.com.pl
Lydia Davis is an American writer who was born in Massachusetts in 1947 and is now a professor of creative writing at the University at Albany, the capital of New York state.
She is best known for two contrasting accomplishments: translating from the French, to great acclaim, Marcel Proust’s complex Du Côté de Chez Swann (Swann’s Way) and Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, and writing short stories, a number of them among the shortest stories ever written. Much of her fiction may be seen under the aspect of philosophy or poetry or short story, and even the longer creations may be as succinct as two or three pages.
She has been described by the critic, James Wood in his latest collection, The Fun Stuff and Other Essays, as “a tempestuous Thomas Bernhard”. Most of all, as Craig Morgan Teicher, of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, wrote in 2009, the year that Davis’s Collected Stories appeared as a single volume: She is “the master of a literary form largely of her own invention.”
Osoby zainteresowane prawami prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Renatą Paczewską pod adresem renata@literatura.com.pl
Josip Novakovich, a short-story writer, novelist and writer of narrative essays, was born in 1956 what is now Croatia and grew up under the authoritarian rule of Marshal Tito near the Hungarian border in the central Croatian town of Daruvar. He studied medicine in Serbia, and then moved to America, where his mother had been born, and continued his studies, in psychology and then in creative writing, at Vassar College and at Yale. He lives in Montreal, where he teaches creative writing at Concordia University, and he has recently taken Canadian citizenship.
His three short-story collections, Yolk, Salvation and Other Disasters and Infidelities: Stories of War and Lust, all contain work that is darkly comic. He is known in particular for his depiction of violence, and for his writing about the Yugoslav war and its atrocities. His writing has been notably published in America, and Keith Botsford in The Republic of Letters praised him for “an economy of style and narrative that all good readers will relish.”
Osoby zainteresowane prawami prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl

filmowe prawa do pierwszej części trylogii dla młodzieży Shadow Dahlina i Johansson zostały zakupione przez Stella Nova Film.
Have you opened the door to the world of voodoo? Have you started experimenting with magic? Then there is no turning back.
When two computer playing teenagers from Stockholm meet Shadow, a teenage girl on the run from a thousand year old West African conflict, an unexpectedly and strong friendship arises. The three teenagers are total opposites, but very rapidly their friendship grows so strong that they are willing to do anything to help each other. Regardless of the price.
Ruben is bullied at school and thinks the days before summer break can’t go fast enough for him to escape his tormentors. He meets Miranda, who belongs to the same clan in the computer game "Dead and Dreaming". In an incident of instant courage, they decide to meet in real life. Miranda is everything that Ruben is not, privileged, aware and full of self confident. At least, that's what Ruben sees. The fact that Miranda actually suffers from tremendous need for control and that she does not at all feel lucky, no one knows.
Shadow, the rightful heiress to her clan's top position, has come to Stockholm because she’s on the run from a rival clan's sorcerer and his helper. The two clans fight each other with spiritual powers and voodoo and the persecutors have only one goal, to destroy Shadow.
Ruben and Miranda decide to help Shadow and find themselves in the middle of the millennial conflict. But Shadow also wants to help Ruben and Miranda. Together, they become strong. Especially with the help of the forces Shadow has and her knowledge of voodoo. They open the door to the world of voodoo, they experiment with magic - and they must take the consequences. Major consequences. There is no turning back.
Shadow is a book about revenge, love and voodoo. And about a friendship so strong that you are willing to save something bigger than yourself.
World of Voodoo
The World of Voodoo, is a new sizzling series for teenagers and young adults in which Shadow is the first book. In The World of Voodoo excitement, mystery, revenge, love and pathos are the crucial elements. The brave youngsters from Shadow will come back in adventures that take place in Sweden, Europe and Africa. There will be no rest. The atmosphere is dense, the pace fast, and the emotions are charged. The characters are drawn with great care and credibility. The weak ones are allowed to grow and become the heroes.
The authors
Peter Dahlin has previously written over twenty successful children's books, including the easy to read detective series about Kalle Skavank. In his previous career, he worked as an art director for some of Sweden’s and the world’s largest brands.
Lars Johansson is a screenwriter who has written scripts for a number of Sweden's most popular TV series and feature films. Sitcoms, comedies, feel good or horror – Lars Johansson mastered all genres. He is also working on developing film and television productions in the United States.
Read more
More information about the book and the authors
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem prosimy o kontakt z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl

Dostępny jest maszynopis do dwóch części historii o pakistańskiej socjecie. Serdecznie polecamy zainteresowanym kobiecymi historiami z nutką egzotyki.
This is the hugely entertaining journal of a socialite in Lahore. Pakistan may be making headlines - but Butterfly is set to conquer the world. 'Everyone knows me. All of Lahore, all of Karachi, all of Isloo - oho, baba, Islamabad - half of Dubai, half of London and all of Khan Market and all the nice, nice bearers in Imperial Hotel also...No ball, no party, no dinner, no coffee morning, no funeral, no GT - Get-Together, baba - is complete without me.' Meet Butterfly, Pakistan's most lovable, silly, socialite. An avid party goer, inspired mis speller, and unwittingly acute observer of Pakistani high society, Butterfly is a woman like no other. In her world, SMS becomes S & M and people eat 'three tiara cakes' while shunning 'do number ka maal'. 'What cheeks!' as she would say. As her country faces tribulations - from 9/11 to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto - Butterfly glides through her world, unfazed, untouched, and stopped short only by the chip in her manicure. Wicked, irreverent and hugely entertaining, "The Diary of a Social Butterfly" gives you a delicious glimpse into the parallel universe of the have-musts.
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem prosimy o kontakt z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl
(maszynopis dostępny)