Dofinansowanie przekładów z języka włoskiego

Do 31 marca br. można ubiegać się o dofinansowanie przekładów włoskiej literatury oraz na działania promocyjne związane z wydaniem książek. Najwyższy zatem czas, by zainteresowali się Państwo włoską ofertą ANAW-u.
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W sprawie materiałów, maszynopisów oraz konsultacji ofert należy kontaktować się z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem
Marco Missiroli was born in Rimini, Italy. His first novel Senza Coda (Fanucci, 2005), won the prestigious Campiello Debut Novel Prize. This was followed by Il Buio Addosso (Guanda, 2007; Insula Roana prize winner), and Bianco (Guanda, 2009) which won three prizes: Commisso, Tondelli and della Critica. Il Senso Dell'Elefante was published by Guanda in February 2012 and has been shortlisted for the Campiello Prize. Marco writes for the culture pages of national newspaper Corriere della Sera, and for Vanity Fair.
Elena Varvello was born in Turin. After completing a Masters Degree in Creative Writing she published two collections of poetry, Perseveranza è salutare (2002) and Atlanti (2004). The short story collection L’economia delle cose (2007), nominated for the prestigious Premio Strega, won the Premio Settembrini and the Premio Bagutta Opera Prima. A short film of the same title has been based on the short story La pistola. Her novel, La luce perfetta del giorno, was published by Fandango in January 2011. Elena teaches Creative Writing at the Scuola Holden in Turin. She lives with her husband and two children in a small village in the woods, not far from her birthplace.
Fabio Stassi (1962) lives in Viterbo and works in the Oriental Institute Library of the University of Rome. He has published three novels: Fumisteria ([Joking] GBM 2006, Premio Vittorini for best first novel), È finito il nostro carnevale ([Our carnival has come to an end] minimum fax 2007, sold to Annablume/Brazil; Kein & Aber/Germany), and La rivincita di Capablanca ([Capablanca’s revenge] minimum um fax 2008, Premio Palmi 2009; Premio Coni 2009; sold to Kein & Aber/Germany). He is also the author of Holden, Lolita, Zivago e gli altri. Piccola enciclopedia dei personaggi letterari (1946–19999) ([Holden, Lolita, Zhivago, and the rest: A little encyclopedia of literary characters (1946–1999)] minimuum fax 2010). With Sellerio he has published a short story in the anthology Articolo 1. Racconti sul lavoro (Article 1: Stories about work).
Andrea Molesini was born and lives in Venice and teaches Contemporary Italian Literature at the University of Padova. He has edited and translated the works of Ezra Pound, Charles Simic and Derek Walcott. He has written stories for kids that have been translated into various languages. In 1999 he won the Andersen Prize. This debut novel Not all bastards come from Vienna surprisingly won one of the most important Italian literary awards. A moving and ambitious novel dominated by tragedy and love, hate and adventure, offering an unedited glimpse into the First World War.
Marco Malvaldi, born in Pisa in 1974 and a Chemistry researcher for the university, made his debut in 2007 with La briscola in cinque (17 editions), followed by another two novels set in the same town on the Livorno Coast, whose protagonists are four old detectives: Il gioco delle tre carte (nine editions and a finalist for the Bancarella Award and the Chianti Award 2009) and Il Re dei giochi (2010). He also published Odore di chiuso (2011), an historical detective novel whose main character is the most renowned culinary expert in Italian history, Pellegrino Artusi, author of Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well. Foreign rights for Odore di chiuso have been sold in the UK to Maclehose Press, in Germany to Piper, in Spain to Destino, in France to Christian Bourgois, in Denmark to Arvids.
The most successful series in Italy today, an original and wonderful mix of Italian dolce vita, detective story and comedy of manners. A series of mysteries set at the Bar Lume in Pineta, a small imaginary town on the Tuscan coast between Pisa and Livorno, whose main characters are four terrible old men who hang out at the bar, cynical smart-alecks who act like detectives along with the funny barman, from time to time caught up in new cases to solve. In the past five years Marco Malvaldi has gone from obscurity to fame, with more than 500,000 copies sold for the first four titles of the series.
Loredana Limona has created a wonderful whimsical world which readers won’t want to leave… BORGO PROPIZIO is a charming and assured debut reminiscent of romantic comedies such as Amelie and Chocolat. This is just a glimpse of what makes up this funny and uplifting novel by Neapolitan debut writer Loredana Limone. A new voice that will make you fall in love with the characters of Borgo Propizio and inspire you with joy. This is a novel that shows how life with all its complications can be simple and happy if only we are brave enough to be true to ourselves. Loredana Limone has just completed a sequel titled E SE LE STELLE.
Sara Rattaro published her first book, ANY USE OF YOU, with publisher Giunti in March 2012, and sold more than 32.000 copies in Italy already. The book was for many weeks in the fiction bestseller chart (18th position). Sara’s next book was auctioned between 3 big houses and it will be published in May 2013 by Garzanti.
Fabrizio Hugony
He is the author of The Reviser. GALILEO AND THE SECRETS OF THE MAYAS/Galileo e il segreto dei Maya (No Reply, December 2010) A historical thriller. The novel is mainly set in the world of today but has generous flashbacks to the epoch of the Mayas (3rd century BC), the conquest of Mexico (1518 onwards), the age of Galileo (1610-1640 c.) with a brief reference to the period of Vivaldi (1730 c.).
Elisabetta Pasquali
She is fourty-one. She lives and works in Bologna. Quattro cuori in affitto is her second novel. Before devoting herself to fiction, she has been a musical journalist and she has directed television’s programs.
In an elegant apartment in the center of Milan different perfumes overlap. The delicate bergamot of the shy Marta. Overwhelming the one of Enrica who has an impetuous nature. A bitter essence introduces Sylvia, reserved and a bit androgynous. Agata smells of sea and lemon blossom: she comes from Sicily.
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