Prezentujemy Państwu bestsellerową książkę dietetyczną autorstwa Dr Michaela Mosleya i Mimi Spencer. Eksperci wieszczą, że to będzie dieta roku! Maszynopis dostępny u agenta.
Is it possible to eat normally, five days a week, and become slimmer and healthier as a result?
Simple answer: yes. You just limit your calorie intake for two nonconsecutive days each week—500 calories for women, 600 for men. You’ll lose weight quickly and effortlessly with the FastDiet.
Scientific trials of intermittent fasters have shown that it will not only help the pounds fly off, but also reduce your risk of a range of diseases from diabetes to cardiovascular disease and even cancer. “The scientific evidence is strong that intermittent fasting can improve health,” says Dr. Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging, and Professor of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University.
This book brings together the results of new, groundbreaking research to create a dietary program that can be incorporated into your busy daily life, featuring:
• Forty 500- and 600-calorie meals that are quick and easy to make
• 8 pages of photos that show you what a typical “fasting meal” looks like
• The cutting-edge science behind the program
• A calorie counter that makes dieting easy
• And much more.
Far from being just another fad, the FastDiet is a radical new way of thinking about food, a lifestyle choice that could transform your health. This is your indispensable guide to simple and effective weight loss, without fuss or the need to endlessly deprive yourself.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl
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U progu Wielkiego Postu, zapraszamy do zamawiania maszynopisu nowej książki dietetycznej.
Intermittent dieting is the buzz word of the moment, but we are stressing that this diet is the original and not only a diet, this programme also has many health benefits. It has been developed through medical research, in fact 12 years, by award winning research dietician Dr Michelle Harvie and Professor of Oncology Tony Howell, an internationally renowned professor of breast cancer prevention. The desire to develop an easy to follow diet was the study performed by Michelle and Tony of 34,000 women that showed that a sustained 5% weight loss resulted in a 40% reduction in breast cancer risk.
Years of clinical research has now shown that intermittent dieting is more effective and easier to follow than a standard continuous diet. Our 2 Day Diet is our latest and most powerful version of this with a 65% success rate versus 40% success rate with standard daily dieting. The “2 Days” diet is also better for reducing levels of the hormone insulin, which is linked to breast cancer risk and other diseases.
Other key points include:
· The 2 Day Diet has been created by a research dietician and is designed to be nutritionally balanced and to maximise satiety, so you won’t feel hungry.
· The 2 Day Diet has been clinically proven to be more effective than normal dieting
· There is no calorie counting on the 2 Day Diet, just simple rules and guidelines to follow in the diet book
· The diet has been shown to “retrain” the appetite on the 5 unrestricted days of the week.
· The diet maximises loss of fat but minimizes loss of muscle.
· It provides clear advice and a plan on what to eat on both restricted days and the unrestricted days which is key to the overall success of the diet
Zainteresowanych manuskryptem prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Renatą Paczewską pod adresem renata@literatura.com.pl

Opowieść o braciach, którzy osiągneli znaczące sukcesy w polityce, medycynie, biologii i w Holywood. Esquire zaliczył ich do grona 75 najbardziej wpływowych ludzi XXI wieku. Fascynująca historia o rywalizacji i osiąganiu celów.
A success memoir with undeniable shades of Amy Chua and dashes of Gladwell’s OUTLIERS. How did one family of brothers come to be so influential? It may be obvious to point out this out, but it’s a project that’s quite close to us.
"World-changers come along very seldom, and three in one family is quite something.” -- Esquire
“All are rising stars in three of America's most high-profile and combative professions. All understand and enjoy power, and know how using it behind the scenes can change the way people think, live and die. All have been called obnoxious, arrogant, aggressive, passionate and committed. All three get up before dawn.” — The New York Times
“Life was about competition, and if you couldn’t finish at the top in one pursuit, you found the game where your talents allowed you to win.” — Ezekiel Emanuel
Ezekiel, Rahm, Ari. Three brothers notorious for their remarkable achievements in politics, biology, medicine and Hollywood. This rich, famous and powerful band of brothers have been called the “Jewish Kennedys”, and Esquire named them 3 of the 75 most influential people of the 21 century.
For years, people have been asking Ezekiel “Zeke” Emanuel, the brash, outspoken, and fiercely loyal eldest brother in the Emanuel clan, the same question—“what did your mom put in the water?” Middle brother Rahm is the Mayor of Chicago, erstwhile White House Chief of Staff, and one of the most colorful figures in American politics. Youngest brother Ari is a Hollywood super-agent—the real-life model for the character of Ari Gold on the hit series Entourage. And Zeke himself, whom the other brothers consider to be “the smartest of us all,” is one of the country’s leading bioethicists, a former Special Advisor for Health Policy in the Obama Administration.
Set amidst the tumult of Chicago in the 1960s and 70s, BROTHERS EMANUEL recounts the intertwined histories of these three rambunctious, hypercompetitive boys, each with his own unique and compelling life story. But ultimately, this is the story of the entire Emanuel family: the tough, colorful Old World grandparents; a mischievous, loving father who enthralled his boys with tales of his adventures in Israel’s war for independence; and a proud, politically engaged mother who took the boys with her to rallies and protests—including a civil rights march through the streets of Chicago led by Martin Luther King himself.
Blending the best of parenting books, historical restropsective, and memoir, BROTHERS EMANUEL is a wry, rollicking, and often poignant narrative which uncovers the source of the ambition and drive that has made this once ordinary family, utterly unique and seemingly unstoppable.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl
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"WE ARE WATER" najnowsza powieść Wally'ego Lamba, bestsellerowego autora wg. NYT. To epicka historia, której akcja rozgrywa się w mitycznym mieście Three Rivers, Connecticut, podobnie jak we wszystkich powieściach Lamba.
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Wally Lamb, author of SHE'S COME UNDONE and I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE, comes a disquieting and ultimately uplifting novel about a marriage, a family, and human resilience in the face of tragedy.
As her wedding day approaches, Annie Oh finds herself one morning staring at a bed covered in Vera Wang wedding dresses, at the mercy of hopes and fears about the momentous change on the horizon. This is not Annie's first walk down the aisle. She has just emerged from a twenty-five year marriage to Orion Oh, which produced three children, twins Andrew and Ariane and daughter Marisa. Annie has been trying to reach her ex-husband, as she wants to make sure that he is all right. Orion, a psychologist with a crippling need to help others, keeps assuring everyone that he is fine. But how can he be? Annie, a self-taught artist, is about to marry a woman named Viveca, the sophisticated and seductive art dealer who understands her work and has helped make her enormously successful. The Oh children have different responses to their mother's upcoming wedding and her new partner. But when Viveca, who specializes in outsider art, discovers a painting by Josephus Jones, a self-taught African American artist of the 1950's and '60's, in the Oh family home in Three Rivers, Connecticut, the already difficult relationship between Orion, Annie, and Viveca becomes even more fraught. Jones's canvases, and the story of his prematurely shortened life, come to play an unexpected role in the life of the Oh family. On the very day of the wedding, as its members struggle with their new roles in the reshaped family landscape, secrets are shared and shocking truths come to light.
A sweeping epic novel from one of America's most beloved writers, WE ARE WATER pulls you into the emotional center of each richly drawn character. Even Annie's impending marriage, apparently the source of the Oh family drama, turns out to be merely the catalyst that uncovers old hurts and renews past anger. An intricate and layered portrait of marriage and family, tempered by compassion, big-heartedness, and humor, WE ARE WATER recalls Richard Russo's EMPIRE FALLS and Jonathan Franzen's FREEDOM. Once again, Wally Lamb has dug down deep into the complexities of the human heart to explore the ways in which we all live, love, and find meaning in our lives.
Wally Lamb is the author of four previous novels, including the New York Times bestseller, THE HOUR I FIRST BELIEVED and WISHIN' AND HOPIN', a bestselling Christmas novella. His first two works of fiction, SHE'S COME UNDONE and I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE, were both #1 New York Times bestsellers and selections of Oprah's Book Club. Lamb edited COULDN'T KEEP IT TO MYSELF and I'LL FLY AWAY, two volumes of essays from students in his writing workshop at York Correctional Institution, a women's prison in Connecticut, where he has been a volunteer facilitator for fifteen years. He lives in Connecticut with his wife, Christine. The Lambs are parents of three sons.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt z Renatą Paczewską pod adresem renata@literatura.com.pl
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Simon & Schuster, właściciel światowych praw do monumentalnej biografii J.D. Salingera, autora m.in. "Buszującego w zbożu" zapowiedział, że przed kwietniowymi targami w Londynie dostępne będą już fragmenty książki!
One of the most highly anticipated biographies in recent years, The Private War of J.D. Salinger by David Shields and Shane Salerno, has been acquired by Simon & Schuster for publication in September 2013, publisher Jonathan Karp announced today.
The biography has been in the works for eight years and includes interviews with over 150 sources who either worked directly with author J.D. Salinger, had a personal relationship with him, or were influenced by his work. A documentary film directed by Salerno was acquired yesterday by the PBS series, American Masters, which will air Salinger as its 200th episode. Susan Lacy, the creator and executive producer of American Masters, called the film “an extraordinary piece of work.”
The project has been the subject of much speculation since a 2010 Newsweek story, “Salinger Like You’ve Never Seen Him,” about the work-in-progress. Entertainment Weekly reported on the elaborate security surrounding the project. Simon & Schuster acquired world rights to the book pre-emptively in a negotiation with Shane Salerno.
Salinger’s best-known work, The Catcher in the Rye, has sold more than 120 million copies worldwide. The reclusive and enigmatic author died in 2010, thirty years after his last interview and forty-five years after his last published work.
“We are honored to be the publisher of what we believe will be the foundational book on one of the most beloved and most puzzling figures of the twentieth century,” said Jonathan Karp. “Many of us who read The Catcher in the Rye have, at some point in our lives, wished we could know the author better. Now, we finally can.”
Senior Editor Jofie Ferrari-Adler, who will edit the oral biography, added, "Both the film and book are an investigation into the cost of art and the cost of war. This is a truly revelatory work, and one that transcends literary biography to investigate the larger story of the legacy of World War II. Through the prism of Salinger’s life and his experience at war, the authors are presenting a personal history of the twentieth century.”
Salerno has been interviewing colleagues and intimates of Salinger since 2004. Since then, he and co-author David Shields have been shaping the interviews into an oral biography, which will be accompanied by never-before-seen photos of Salinger. Shields is the author of fourteen books, which have been translated into fifteen languages and won numerous awards, including the PEN/Revson award and the PEN Syndicated Fiction Award. Salerno has co-written a number of successful movies, including the widely acclaimed 2012 Oliver Stone film, Savages.
Said Shane Salerno: “The myth that people have read about and believed for sixty years about J.D. Salinger is one of someone too pure to publish, too sensitive to be touched. We replace the myth of Salinger with an extraordinarily complex, deeply contradictory human being. Our book offers a complete revaluation and reinterpretation of the work and the life.”
Osoby zainteresowane tym wyjątkowym tytułem prosimy o kontakt z Renatą Paczewską pod adresem renata@literatura.com.pl