Między 16. a 19. maja, na Stadionie Narodowym w Warszawie, odbędą się Warszawskie Targi Książki. Nasza agencja będzie na nich obecna.
Osoby zainteresowane spotkaniem prosimy o wcześniejsze umówienie się na konkretną godzinę drogą telefoniczną.
Warszawskie Targi Książki - plan targów
Stolik Agencji Literackiej ANAW mieści się na poziomie 0 (nr: 257/V) w Saloniku Agentów.

Polecamy powieść z Turcji, kraju, o którym wciąż trochę zbyt mało literacko wiemy, a wiedziec byłoby warto!
What would I do if I were a different person… “, asks the young Aysu. She writes her thoughts in a notebook. The first part of the novel is preceded by the leitmotif “Speak, Memory”, where Aysu recalls her childhood in two countries, on two continents. Part of it was here, and the other spent part there.
Her family lives in, or rather between two cultures, Germany and Anatolia. It is a disruption not only of feelings and thought, but even reality. Two of the four children of the aging couple live in Cologne, two in Ankara. Aysu was initially taken as a child from his parents to Germany, only a few years later sent back to Turkey to spend most of her childhood without parents.
The novel is not only a book about migrant stories, it’s about loneliness and fear, home and distance, separation and union, bondage and freedom. The brilliant narration of details and characterization gives fascination and strength to the novel. The reader will touch a world that may only seem strange, but soon to be trusted. The author does not accuse, does not count on, does not want to explain – she is simply, brutally frank and sincere.
Menekşe Toprak (b. 1970 in Kayseri) is a Turkish writer, freelance journalist and radio programmer. After completing his primary and secondary education in Ankara and Cologne, she graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. She lives between Berlin and Istanbul since 2002.
Her first stories book “Valizdeki Mektup” was published in 2007 by YKY Publishing. Her stories took part at magazines as Kitaplık, Notos Öykü, Özgür Edebiyat and anthologies as “Istanbul in Women Stories” and “Ankara in Women Stories”. Her stories were also translated into German and appeared at 20th Century Turkish Stories Anthology (Türkische Erzählungen des 20 Jahrhunderts Suhrkampverlag). She has two stories books and one novel published.
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem proszone są o kontakt z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl

Stevie Parle i Emma Grazette zagoszczą na ekranach polskiego Canal +, które kupiło 2 letnią licencję na emisję tego kulinarnego programu. Czekamy na wydawcę polskiej edycji ekscytującej podróży po świecie przypraw!
Stevie Parle and Emma Grazette are on a mission to spice up Britain's kitchens and revolutionise the way we cook with the treasures hidden away in our cupboards. This book, accompanying the Channel 4 series, will show just how to bring the magic of spice into your home.
Emma and Stevie have been on a journey to all corners of the world to discover the secrets of six essential everyday spices, learning from the world's experts - the people who grow and cook with them every day. In this book they share the best recipes, therapies and mementoes from their journey.
Their recipes are inspired not just by the countries visited on this trip, but from all over the world. Some are hot, some sweet, some subtle, adn they're all special, take less than twenty minutes to prepare and are really easy to cook. And as well as exploring the culinary uses of each spice, Emma also reveals their therapeutic value through the secrets she discovered from the remarkable people she met on her journey.
With over 100 thoroughly tested recipes, therapies and photography from an incredible journey, let Spice Trip transform your cooking and your life from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
These Mexican recipes not only bring a bit of the Acapulco into your winter kitchen, they are perfect for cheaper fish. Most importantly, they are quick to make and don't need any hard-to-find ingredients or hours of prep - Daily Telegraph
An attractive food travelogue...reminds us that spice deserves to be thought of better than as a bunch of jars that don't stack properly - Guardian
Delivers exactly what its name suggests, and more - Jamie Magazine
Spice Trip is a cookery book, but it’s rather more than that too. It takes the usual suspects of the spice rack and makes you see them in a new light and appreciate them for the marvels they are - Food Magazine
Simply delicious - Radio Times
A great present for keen cooks - YOU Magazine
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich proszę kontaktować się z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl

Polecamy uwadze szwedzki poradnik dla rodziców. Materiały recenzenckie czekają u agenta.
GOOD ENOUGH FOR PARENTS is a book many have been waiting for. And it delivers what it promises, a true parental book written without pointing fingers or unrealistic demands on the parents.
About the book
Are you the parent who prepares a pile of clothes so that your child has the right clothes to school? Are you extra dad who will do anything to be accepted by the new wife's kids? Do you your children’s lunch bag in order to look good in to the teachers? Do you rushed to day care to pick up early even though your kid really wants to stay on and play? Or are you a parent of a teenager who find it difficult to set boundaries in fear of a conflict?
What do we pass on to our children by communicating that everything has to be perfect? When we never say no, when we rarely sit down for more than one quarter at a time?
"The day I decided to relax, to throw away my bad conscience and trust myself as a parent, I became a 1000 times better mom."
The words come from the coach, lecturer and author Elizabeth Gummesson. With both humor and seriousness, she describes her own experiences as a perfectionist mother, ambitious class parent, dedicated hockey mom, a super super mom. And she tells the story about how she managed to change the situation. Good Enough for parents is Elizabeth Gummesson’s fifth book, ranging from pregnancy to the when the children turn 18. It offers inspiration, motivation, practical tips and effective advice for all parents! Safer parents who take life easier and themselves more seriously give their children a more harmonious existence. This is a book which gives parents security, strength and harmony.
Pages: 314 pages.
"Good enough for parents is a useful reminder of the importance of not letting the expectations on yourself as a parent kill you. "
"The author puts her finger on a soft spot for many parents: Why do we constantly send out the message that everything must be perfect? And what do we communicate to our children by doing so?”
Må Bra
"The new parenting book wants to strengthen parents' belief in their own ability."
Germany: Verlagsgruppe Beltz
India: Manjul Publishing
Norway: Stenersen
Russia: Centrpoligraph
Sweden: Forum
Elizabeth talks about the book in TV4 Morning news
Interview with Elizabeth about Good enough för föräldrar
More information
For updated information about Elizabeth Gummesson, please go to:
Grand Agency web site
Elizabeth Gummesson web site (in Swedish)
Osoby zainteresowane tytułem prosimy o kontakt z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl

Uroczy kryminał o emerytach autorstwa Cathariny Ingelman-Sundberg doczekał się brytyjskiego wydawcy! Pora na Polskę! Zapraszamy do składania ofert u agenta.
In this book you meet five lovely characters living in a retirement home. For each day passing they find their lives less and less meaningful and everything is taken away from them. They sing together in a quire and one day (when they realize that they will get no Christmas decorations) they decide that life in this home stinks! In prison they would be better off! That would be more comfortable and stimulating then the life they live so they set out to get into prison. But they are to good thieves and things starts happening that no one could ever have dreamed of. Funny and heartwarming and also some rather sharp descriptions of how we treat and regard elderly people today! One of them, Martha, dreams one night that she actually robs the bank, but they don’t take her for real, they think that she is old and confused and harmless …. When the whole senior league stops dreaming of a better life and goes for some real changes – forget confused and harmless …
Natasha Harding at Pan Macmillan has acquired the Swedish bestseller THE
LITTLE OLD LADY WHO BROKE ALL THE RULES by Catharina Ingelman Sundberg, the
first in a new granny lit series.
Harding struck pre-emptively, buying WEL rights from Barbara Zitwer. The
plan is to publish quickly. Zitwer acted on behalf of the Grand Agency in
Sweden, and the book has already sold in 11 countries; SVT has bought rights
for a TV series.
The novel tells the story of 79-year-old Martha, who, along with a group of
her best friends, breaks out of a dreary nursing home. They become art and
jewel thieves, land in jail and then escape from a mafia hit squad, and run
off into the sunset to other adventures and trouble.
"I am absolutely thrilled to have acquired The Little Old Lady Who Broke All
the Rules," said Harding. "This is a delightfully charming story about a
woman growing old disgracefully - and breaking all the rules along the way!
Incredibly quirky, heart-warming and humorous, this book will be perfect for
fans of The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel."
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl