Nasi autorzy na shortliście International Man Booker Prize

Trójka autorów reprezentowanych przez naszą agencje - Marilynne Robinson, Lydia Davis i Josip Novakovich znalazła się w gronie finalistów tegorocznej edycji prestiżowej The Man Booker International Prize.
The Man Booker International Prize recognises one writer for his or her achievement in fiction. Worth £60,000, the prize is awarded every two years to a living author who has published fiction either originally in English or whose work is generally available in translation in the English language. The winner is chosen solely at the discretion of the judging panel and there are no submissions from publishers.
The Man Booker International Prize is significantly different from the annual Man Booker Prize for Fiction. In seeking out literary excellence, the judges consider a writer's body of work rather than a single novel.
The American novelist and essayist, Marilynne Robinson was born in November 1943 and grew up in Sandpoint, Idaho. She attended Pembroke College, the former women’s college at Brown University, receiving her B.A., magna cum laude in 1966, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Washington in 1977.
Robinson has written three highly acclaimed novels: Housekeeping which won the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award for best first novel , the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction, the Ambassador Book Award and the 2006 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion and was nominated for the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction; Gilead which won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and Home which won the Orange Prize for Fiction 2009.
She has been writer-in-residence or visiting professor at many universities, including the University of Kent, Amherst, and the University of Massachusetts’ MFA Programme for Poets & Writers. In 2009, she held a Dwight H. Terry Lectureship at Yale University and in April 2010 she was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She currently teaches at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
Marilynne Robinson lives in Iowa City, USA.
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Lydia Davis is an American writer who was born in Massachusetts in 1947 and is now a professor of creative writing at the University at Albany, the capital of New York state.
She is best known for two contrasting accomplishments: translating from the French, to great acclaim, Marcel Proust’s complex Du Côté de Chez Swann (Swann’s Way) and Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, and writing short stories, a number of them among the shortest stories ever written. Much of her fiction may be seen under the aspect of philosophy or poetry or short story, and even the longer creations may be as succinct as two or three pages.
She has been described by the critic, James Wood in his latest collection, The Fun Stuff and Other Essays, as “a tempestuous Thomas Bernhard”. Most of all, as Craig Morgan Teicher, of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, wrote in 2009, the year that Davis’s Collected Stories appeared as a single volume: She is “the master of a literary form largely of her own invention.”
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Josip Novakovich, a short-story writer, novelist and writer of narrative essays, was born in 1956 what is now Croatia and grew up under the authoritarian rule of Marshal Tito near the Hungarian border in the central Croatian town of Daruvar. He studied medicine in Serbia, and then moved to America, where his mother had been born, and continued his studies, in psychology and then in creative writing, at Vassar College and at Yale. He lives in Montreal, where he teaches creative writing at Concordia University, and he has recently taken Canadian citizenship.
His three short-story collections, Yolk, Salvation and Other Disasters and Infidelities: Stories of War and Lust, all contain work that is darkly comic. He is known in particular for his depiction of violence, and for his writing about the Yugoslav war and its atrocities. His writing has been notably published in America, and Keith Botsford in The Republic of Letters praised him for “an economy of style and narrative that all good readers will relish.”
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