Książka o Sylvii Plath w Nowym Jorku wyjdzie dopiero za dwa miesiące, ale maszynopis jest już dostępny. Zapraszamy!
Pain, Parties, Work by Elizabeth Winder is a compelling look at a young Sylvia Plath and the life-changing month that would lay the groundwork for her seminal novel, The Bell Jar.
In May of 1953, a twenty-one-year-old Plath arrived in New York City, the guest editor of Mademoiselle’s annual College Issue. She lived at the Barbizon Hotel, attended the ballet, went to a Yankee game, and danced at the West Side Tennis Club. She was supposed to be having the time of her life. But what would follow was, in Plath’s words, twenty-six days of pain, parties, and work, that ultimately changed the course of her life.
Thoughtful and illuminating, featuring line drawings and black-and-white photographs, Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953 offers well-researched insights as it introduces us to Sylvia Plath—before she became one of the greatest and most influential poets of the twentieth century.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl
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Tosca Lee, bestsellerowa powieściopisarka wg. New York Times'a, przybywa z nową książką opartą na historii Judasza Iskarioty. Maszynopis dostępny u agenta.
In Jesus, Judas believes he has found the One—a miracle-worker. The promised Messiah and future king of the Jews, destined to overthrow Roman rule. Galvanized, Judas joins the Nazarene’s followers, ready to enact the change he has waited for all his life.
But Judas’ vision of a nation free from Roman rule is crushed by the inexplicable actions of the Nazarene himself, who will not bow to social or religious convention—who seems in the end to even turn against his own people. At last, Judas must confront the fact that the master he loves is not the liberator he hoped for, but a man bent on a drastically different agenda.
Iscariot is the story of Judas—from his tumultuous childhood and tenuous entry into a career and family life as a devout Jew, to a man known to the world as the betrayer of Jesus. But even more, it is a singular and surprising view into the life of Jesus himself that forces us all to reexamine everything we thought we knew about the most famous—and infamous—religious icons in history.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl
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Hilary Mantel zdobyła prestiżową Costa Book Award dla najlepszej powieści roku za "BRING UP THE BODIES". Polskim wydawcą książki jest Sonia Draga.
The Booker Prize-winning novel about Henry VIII's adviser Thomas Cromwell beat four other books to win the prestigious prize, worth £30,000.
The judges said it was "head and shoulders" above the other contenders and was "quite simply the best book".
Dame Jenni Murray, who chaired the panel, said the judges had made a unanimous decision.
Responding to criticism about her book winning too many awards and stifling other talent, Mantel said she was "not going to apologise".
"I'm not sorry, I'm happy and I shall make it my business to try to write more books that will be worth more prizes," she said on stage.
Speaking to reporters afterwards, she said: "I was writing for many years and I was not among the prizes at all or I was the perpetual runner-up.
"Things have changed in a big way, I feel my luck has changed but of course that's not true.
"What's changed is what I'm working on, possibly a project that's played to my strengths and a project that came along just when I was ready for it".
Mantel: "Astonishment is becoming my default position"
Dame Jenni said the prize had been "very difficult" to judge because the shortlisted books spanned five very different categories - poetry, children's, biography, first novel and novel.
The judges' discussion, which lasted around an hour, had considered that Mantel had already won the Booker but ultimately disregarded it.
"We couldn't allow the number of times it has already been lauded to affect our decision," she said. "It was quite simply the best book.
"[Mantel's] prose is so poetic, it's so beautiful, it's so set in its time, so you know exactly where you are and who you are with.
"But it's also incredibly modern, her analysis of the politics is so modern and everybody found there were things that just stuck in their minds that they would think about for a very long time."
A comic-style graphic memoir about James Joyce's daughter by Mary and Bryan Talbot and Francesca Segal's debut novel The Innocents were also in the running.
Kathleen Jamie's poetry collection The Overhaul and children's book Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner completed the shortlist.
All five shortlisted writers received £5,000 each.
The judging panel included actress Jenny Agutter, broadcaster Katie Derham, author Wendy Holden and writer DJ Taylor.

Zapraszamy do zamawiania materiałów, dotyczących powieści erotycznej Lisy Renee Jones. Jest to druga część bestsellerowej trylogii, porównywalnej do "50 twarzy Grey'a" E.L.James!
An award-winning, bestselling author, Lisa Renee Jones has published more than thirty novels, many of which have been translated into foreign languages. They span many romance genres—contemporary, romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and erotic fiction, and in each book the hero is dark, dangerous, and sexy. You can find Lisa on Twitter, Facebook, and her blog for regular updates.
Fascinated by the dark fantasies in the journals she’s discovered, and the two men who have now found a place in her life, Sara McMillan finds herself torn between her new life and her past. Now, more than ever, Sara identifies with the missing journal writer, Rebecca, and is certain that something sinister has happened.
In the arms of the sexy, tormented artist Chris Merit, Sara seeks answers about Rebecca and ends up discovering things about herself she never knew existed. Chris forces Sara to reconsider who she is and what she truly wants from life, but his dark desires threaten to tear them apart. Her boss, Mark Compton, offers her the shelter to understand just what those needs mean to her, and what they might have meant to Rebecca—but can she trust him to lead her to a final conclusion to Rebecca’s story?
IF I WERE YOU, self-published Aug. 24th, sold 2,000 copies its first weekend. In its first week it hit #1 on the Kindle Erotic Romance list, #9 Romantic Suspense Amazon, #12 Romantic Suspense Kindle, #43 Contemporary Romance Kindle, #111 on the Nook bestseller list, and the Amazon Top 200.
At 3 weeks, it has sold over 13,700 copies. It hit #53 on Amazon’s Top 100, #3 in Books Romantic Suspense, #3 in Kindle Romantic Suspense, and #18 in Kindle Contemporary Romance. It has also hit the Top 100 at B&N.
The book had over 2,400 “adds” on Goodreads before release, and USAToday.com interviewed the author.
Sylvia Day’s Crossfire Series, BARED TO YOU, REFLECTED IN YOU, and ENTWINED WITH YOU, is also a 50 SHADES OF GREY-like trilogy. Starting out as an indie success, like this, it was bought by Penguin, who has continued that success.
IF I WERE YOU is represented by Shari Smiley of The Smiley Group LLC, who sold the film rights to Gillian Flynn’s GONE GIRL to 20th Century Fox, with Reece Witherspoon producing.
With the booming success of E.L. James's GREY trilogy, erotic novels have made a major comeback. The Kindle version of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY was #1 in Amazon's paid Kindle store for several weeks. We' hope to capitalize on this comeback with Lisa Renee Jones’s IF I WERE YOU.
When the author bought the auctioned contents of a storage unit, she found a stack of intriguing journals….and this story was born.
The author has partnered with Tokii to create an interactive game based on her sexy novel.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl
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Debiutancka powieść Loredany Limony to coś dla miłośników dobrej prozy dla kobiet! Maszynopis dostępny.
BORGO PROPIZIO by Loredana Limone, a charming debut novel which won the PREMIO FELLINI Literary Award.
Belinda intends to reinvent her life and Borgo Propizio, a village on a hill, in an Italy apparently a bit out of time, seems to her the ideal place to start again. The small town is decayed and it is rumoured that a restless ghost haunts her new home but Belinda can’t wait to move into her new life, leave behind a job she hates and forget earlier romantic mistakes. However she hadn’t expected various village eccentrics to step into her new life and cause havoc!
Meet Ruggero, the builder who is doing up her shop: a rough diamond who would be capable of building a cathedral if only somebody would ask him. He shares a house with his very old parents and his life is full of dramas. Mariolina and Marietta are single sisters in their forties. Mariolina is terrified that she will rust away behind her desk in the town council and become old, forever stuck in Borgo Propzio where she lives with Marietta, Borgo Propizio’s crochet queen. Happily things liven up for Mariolina when she meets Ruggero! Although when she is spotted with him inside a car, an inevitable village gossip chain is unleashed courtesy of the relentless gossip Donna Elvira and the eternally frustrated Dora.
In the meantime, Belinda’s mother Claudia sets off on her own for a holiday; Cesare is afraid that she will fall in love with Romeo, the hunky tourist village leader, so along with Belinda he decides to set up a plan to bring her back. Who else will help them but nutty eccentric Aunt Letizia, ardent fan of a famous singer whom she refers to as GM: the Great Musician.
This is just a glimpse of what makes up this funny and uplifting novel by Neapolitan debut writer Loredana Limone. A new voice that will make you fall in love with the characters of Borgo Propizio and inspire you with joy. This is a novel that shows how life with all its complications can be simple and happy if only we are brave enough to be true to ourselves. Loredana Limone has just completed a sequel titled E SE LE STELLE.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl