U progu Wielkiego Postu, zapraszamy do zamawiania maszynopisu nowej książki dietetycznej.
Intermittent dieting is the buzz word of the moment, but we are stressing that this diet is the original and not only a diet, this programme also has many health benefits. It has been developed through medical research, in fact 12 years, by award winning research dietician Dr Michelle Harvie and Professor of Oncology Tony Howell, an internationally renowned professor of breast cancer prevention. The desire to develop an easy to follow diet was the study performed by Michelle and Tony of 34,000 women that showed that a sustained 5% weight loss resulted in a 40% reduction in breast cancer risk.
Years of clinical research has now shown that intermittent dieting is more effective and easier to follow than a standard continuous diet. Our 2 Day Diet is our latest and most powerful version of this with a 65% success rate versus 40% success rate with standard daily dieting. The “2 Days” diet is also better for reducing levels of the hormone insulin, which is linked to breast cancer risk and other diseases.
Other key points include:
· The 2 Day Diet has been created by a research dietician and is designed to be nutritionally balanced and to maximise satiety, so you won’t feel hungry.
· The 2 Day Diet has been clinically proven to be more effective than normal dieting
· There is no calorie counting on the 2 Day Diet, just simple rules and guidelines to follow in the diet book
· The diet has been shown to “retrain” the appetite on the 5 unrestricted days of the week.
· The diet maximises loss of fat but minimizes loss of muscle.
· It provides clear advice and a plan on what to eat on both restricted days and the unrestricted days which is key to the overall success of the diet
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