Efekt współpracy małżeństwa Dryansky, czyli kulinarna podróż po Francji! Zapraszamy do zamawiania materiałów recenzenckich.
A journey to delight the palette and nourish the soul, this gastronomic memoir of French cuisine combines historical facts and traditions with today's best dishes. The Dryanskys' remembrances include the joys of eating ortolans anddrinking an 1874 Mouton Bordeaux at Chateau Mouton Rothschild with PhilippeRothschild and a Japanese ambassador. Eating leg of lamb with Coco Chanel in the flat above her couture house. Feasting on pieds de cochon at a brasserie full of local Parisians. With chefs' recipes for the confident or adventurous home cook, this elegant book is a must for Francophiles and food lovers everywhere.
400 pages with 16 pages of color illustrations — the PERFECT gift!
Gerry Dryansky has called Paris home for more than thirty years, two decades of which he spent as the senior European correspondent for Condé Nast Traveler. He has written for magazines and newspapers around the globe and lives in France with his wife, Joanne, who is the coauthor of this volume.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl
Zapraszamy do zamawiania materiałów związanych z nową książką Charlesa Pallisera (dostępny zaktualizowany manuskrypt)
It is the Christmas of 1863. Richard, seventeen, has returned from Cambridge under a cloud to find his mother and elder sister squabbling in a delapidated old mansion on a remote part of the southern English coast. The recent death in mysterious circumstances of his father has plunged the family into poverty and forced them to abandon their friends and move here. As a way of coping with the isolation and his grief, Richard starts to write a journal. Distracted by various temptations, he only gradually discovers that his new neighbours are being terrorised by a series of strange and increasingly frightening events. Almost too late he realises that he himself has been ensnared in a concealed trap.
Praise for The Quincunx:
‘You read the first page and down you wonderfully fall, into a long, large, wide world of fiction.’ – New York Times
‘Quintuple the length of the ordinary novel, this extraordinary tour de force also has five times the ordinary allotment of adventure, action and aplomb.’ – Publishers Weekly
‘Palliser combines an eye for social detail and vivid descriptions of the dark side of 19th-century London with a gift for intricate plotting and sinister character development reminiscent of 19th-century novels... A gripping novel. Highly recommended.’ –Library Journal
About author
Before becoming a full-time writer in 1990, Charles Palliser taught literature and creative writing in universities in the UK and the USA. His novel The Quincunx was awarded the Sue Kaufman Prize by the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. His fiction has been translated into a dozen languages. He has also written for radio and television.
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem agata@literatura.com.pl

Zapraszamy do zamawiania materiałów recenzenckich powieści laureata José Saramago Prize!
Recently nominated for the PRIX FEMMINA, LIVRO weaves a grand narrative filled with trauma and love. Beginning in the 1940s and continuing through the 1960s, a massive exodus of Portuguese emigrants fled to France as a period of dictatorship was ending. This is a saga dedicated to the many varied, courageous stories of emigration throughout the world, and at the same time it gives life to a fascinating gallery of characters and their personal stories of love, loss and hope.
With its ambitious title, the novel follows several individuals who live in Portugal but are profoundly affected by their shifting surroundings.
LIVRO illuminates and celebrates a passion for the written word. A steadfast companion in times of trouble, an essential communicator in matters of the heart, a book itself can bridge cultures and seas, and for an emigrant, it can be the key to a new world.
The Lázaro family are carpenters who would rather be piano-makers. In the dusty back room of their carpentry shop in Lisbon is the ‘piano cemetery', filled with broken-down pianos that provide the spare parts needed for repairing and rebuilding instruments all over the city. It is a mysterious and magical place, a place of solace, a dreaming place and, above all, a trysting place for lovers. Peixoto weaves the tragic true story of the marathon-runner, Francisco Lázaro, into a rich narrative of love, betrayal, domestic happiness and dashed hopes.
“A superb family saga”— The Times
“Almost unbearably moving”
“A lyrical family saga ... Peixoto’s triumph is in the way he makes us feel, in fewer than three hundred pages, that we have spent decades with this family’”
-- Financial Times
“One of Portugal’s most acclaimed novelists … There are moments of illumination, notably the depiction of rapturous first love and subsequent domestic violence”— Daily Mail
“A rolling, elegiac and undoubtedly musical novel”—Metro
“Peixoto has an extraordinary way of perceiving, conveyed in his original choices of language and imagery”—Times Literary Supplement
“A story of sex and treachery, of ambition and frustration, of a mostly thwarted desire to please … Peixoto has an acute ear for cadence, a sharp eye for the luminous image and a good nose for the pungent”— Independent
Author's official website: joseluispeixoto.blogs.sapo.pt
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt mailowy z Aleksandrą Łapińską pod adresem aleksandra@literatura.com.pl

W Gazecie Wyborczej z 10 listopada 2012 r. opublikowano wywiad ze słynnym islandzkim autorem.
Waliłem pięściami w auto premiera - link do wywiadu na stronie Gazety Wyborczej
Informujemy, że w chwili obecnej prawa do książki REYKJAVIK 101 pozostają wolne!
W sprawie szczegółów prosimy o kontakt z Justyną Czechowską pod adresem justyna@literatura.com.pl
Pisarz otrzymał prestiżową nagrodę przyznawaną przez hiszpańskie ministerstwo kultury dla najlepszej książki, która ukazała się w 2011 we wszystkich krajach hiszpańskojęzycznych.
Javier Marías did not accept the prize (LOS ENAMORAMIENTOS was unanimously chosen by the jury) because he had always said that he did not want to receive any prizes or invitations related to the Spanish Government. He has been awarded (and accepted) many other international prizes, but since 1995 he has always declined any official prizes from the Spanish government, whatever party is in power. This has been received very positively in Spain where many people have admired his integrity.
He gave a press release last afternoon thanking the jury for the honor of the award but very politely declined to accept it and suggested in his speech that the prize should be used to support the Spanish public libraries, whose budget for this year is 0.