What happens when the EU wins the Nobel Peace Prize?

Read all about it in Eirik Wekre's new crime novel The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Trollmannens Læregutt). Trustworthy, exciting and highly up-to-date. Incredible timing!
“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” by Eirik Wekre is the first book in a new Norwegian crime mystery of high class. Oslo becomes the scene for crime when the Nobel’s Peace Price is given to the EU. We got real goose bumps when we learned that Eirik Wekre’s fantasy became reality. We were having meetings at the Frankfurt book fair and when presenting the idea that EU would win the price, the reactions was from all over the same. To give EU the Peace Price, that would be provocative and crazy. Well now it is real and we really hope that Eirik Wekre’s version of what might happen in Oslo, wan’t become reality as well!
NORLA grants translation subsidy to foreign publishers. Translation subsidies are only available for the translation costs of a work written by a Norwegian author, and published in Norwegian by a Norwegian publisher.
Applications deadlines are: April 1 , August 1 and December 1 (fiction titles)
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