THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE (Trollmannens Læregutt) - Erik Wekre

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is the first in a new Norwegian crime series by Eirik Wekre. He gives room for a new, very down to earth hero – Theo Hanover. He will be the main character and actually working together with Hege Tønnesen, whom we know from Eirik Wekre's former trilogy.
It is late November in Olso. Information is out that EU will be awarded the Nobel’s Peace Prize. Prior to the award ceremony an international top meeting is held in Oslo. But not only the politicians gather. The anger and the disappointment towards EU is widely spread in Europe and an underground movement starts, a movement that will attract all types of people. A woman who has become the natural leader for the group, has her very special reasons to lead them. Her intentions are good, but she doesn't know of the strengths and willpowers hidden among her followers.
Late, in a secret cavern she has gathered her people for a meeting, and Theo Hannover has manage to take part. He notices that her voice is soft and attractive, with the faint lisp associated with Spanish speakers. Her face is hidden . He hears her say:
"Our strength lies in doing things differently. In being disciplined. In taking initiative. In surprise tactics. Directing the fight on our own terms. We will win this, whatever the cost! We are the lost generation. For us, hope has run out. Most of us will never get jobs, and without jobs we’ll never have homes or families. Our lives will be without dignity. But we can make sure that those who come after us get the opportunities we never had. We can refuse to accept more lost generations. We’re going to clean it up, and we’ll start at the top! But no violence. We must be smarter than them."
Theo has got a good idea of the demonstration group and understands that their leaders whish for a peaceful demonstration will be hard to live up to. Short after this meeting the police are informed that a sniper, known for political killings, is on his way to Oslo and the whole situation escalates when a brutal kidnapping is done. Will the Nobel Peace Price ceremony be held without total chaos?
As always, it is extremely suspensful and builds up for strong emotions, both on the private level and at work at the Oslo Police security force. Theo Hannover and Hege Tønnesen is an interesting couple to follow!
253 pages
NORLA grants translation subsidy to foreign publishers. Translation subsidies are only available for the translation costs of a work written by a Norwegian author, and published in Norwegian by a Norwegian publisher.
Applications deadlines are: April 1 , August 1 and December 1 (fiction titles)