Ekranizacja książki o zniknięciu Agathy Christie

Zachęcamy do zamawiania maszynopisu książki Jareda Cade'a "Agatha Christie and the Eleven Missing Days". Zniknięcie Christie to mało znany fakt z jej biografii. W Hollywood powstaje film na podstawie książki.
In December 1926, Agatha Christie disappeared in bizarre circumstances from her home in Berkshire, England. The discovery of the crime writer's abandoned car led to the biggest manhunt in British history for a missing person. Eleven days later she was found over two hundred miles away in a northern spa town, claiming to be the victim of amnesia.
Up till the publication of this book in 1998 none of her biographers had come up with conclusive evidence as to what she did during the first twenty-four hours after she disappeared or whether her memory loss was genuine. Although the newspaper headlines made Agatha Christie famous, the private anguish that surrounded the episode ensured she made no reference to it in her memoirs.
Jared's Cade's number one bestselling biography - on which a BBC television documentary has been based - provides the answers to the mystery, including Agatha Christie's long forgotten explanation of the notorious episode, along with startling accounts by her relatives that reveal for the first time why she staged the disappearance with the help of a co-conspirator and how it all went terribly wrong. His sympathetic investigation reveals the incidents that shaped her character and how the fall-out from the disappearance affected the rest of her life.
Illustrated with 48 photographs, many of them from private albums, this fully expanded 2011 edition draws on a newly discovered cache of family papers, diaries and letters, to which Jared Cade was given exclusive access, and reveals even more fascinating secrets about her life and works. Agatha Christie and the Eleven Missing Days: The Revised and Expanded 2011 Edition is a must for all Christie devotees.
'Jared Cade is an authority on Christiana, and Agatha Christie and the Eleven Missing Days has received much acclaim for its impressively detailed examination of the Queen of Crime's disappearance.' - Crime Time
W sprawie materiałów recenzenckich prosimy o kontakt z Agatą Żabowską pod adresem mailowym agata@literatura.com.pl
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