"Y" by Marjorie Celona

Zapraszamy do zamawiania egzemplarzy recenzenkich debiutankiej powieści Marjorie Celony. "Y" znalazla się m.in. w finale Scotiabank Giller Prize.
Y has been chosen as one of the Waterstones 11 Favourite Debuts of 2013. These titles often go on to be major bestsellers—2012's choices included The Art of Fielding, The Snow Child and The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. We are also excited to share that Y has made Canada's Giller Prize longlist, and is the #1 pick for ABA’s January 2013 Indie Next List.
Collected Praise for Y:
“Celona writes movingly about basic questions of identity, questions exacerbated by the unhappy circumstances of Shannon’s birth.” — Kirkus
"[A] heartfelt first novel . . . . Ms. Celona adroitly confounds many of our expectations . . . . It's refreshing to read a novel in which questions are not so much answered as extended, and Shannon is an appealing narrator... Celona is compassionate toward even her most wayward characters, figuring wisely that the consequences of their actions will be punishment enough." —The New York Times
“Celona writes with acute sensitivity to how a child sees her world — from her hazy understanding that one adoptive father is going to hurt her, to her instinctive urge toward kindness to another foster child. She renders a character readers will love in all her glorious self-doubt.” — The Boston Globe
“Compelling…This is at once a moving coming-of-age story full of fresh starts, a haunting family story full of heavy disappointments, and an extraordinarily quiet story full of hope.” — Booklist
“This is a novel about connections and about relationships, causal and otherwise. Despite the picaresque nature of the plot, Shannon shakes off her status as a picaro by the novel’s end. It is not surprising that she is changed by the events of her life and their recounting. The real joy is that the reader may be as well.” — The Globe and Mail
“All at once a coming-of-age story and a mystery, both a fairy tale and a morality play, Y confronts the reader with a situation in which there are only difficult choices and no right answers.” — National Post
Official website: marjoriecelona.com
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