Powstanie film na podstawie Coffe and Robbery (Kaffe med rån)

Ten uroczy kryminał o emerytach autorstwa Cathariny Ingelman-Sundberg, został zakupiony przez szwedzkiego producenta filmowego!
In this book you meet five lovely characters living in a retirement home. For each day passing they find their lives less and less meaningful and everything is taken away from them. They sing together in a quire and one day (when they realize that they will get no Christmas decorations) they decide that life in this home stinks! In prison they would be better off! That would be more comfortable and stimulating then the life they live so they set out to get into prison. But they are to good thieves and things starts happening that no one could ever have dreamed of. Funny and heartwarming and also some rather sharp descriptions of how we treat and regard elderly people today! One of them, Martha, dreams one night that she actually robs the bank, but they don’t take her for real, they think that she is old and confused and harmless …. When the whole senior league stops dreaming of a better life and goes for some real changes – forget confused and harmless …
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