Tom Burgis, korespondent Financial Times'a, przygotowuje swoją debiutancką książkę, poświęconą przemysłowi naftowemu w Afryce. Premiera jest planowana na początek 2014 r.
From the oil-slicked creeks of the Niger Delta to Congo’s war-torn east, Africa’s dazzling endowment of natural resources has brought the continent little but strife. The resources make fortunes for multinational oil and mining companies, middlemen and members of Africa’s fabulously wealthy elites. Tom Burgis exposes how the resource industries have hollowed out the states where the stuff is found. Built on corruption, violence and fear, the trade supplies the global economy with its basic ingredients: the minerals that go into everything from mobile phone batteries to aircraft, the fuels that keep the lights shining and the cars driving, the profits that sustain and world’s richest companies and their shareholders. "The Looting Machine" is an investigative journey to meet the embezzlers and executives, the mining barons and militiamen who control modern-day resource empires, and to hear the stories of those who live under them.
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