Giller Prize dla Willa Fergusona!

Will Ferguson zdobywacą tegorocznej Scotiabank Giller Prize za powieść "419"! To najbardziej prestiżowa nagroda literacka w Kanadzie. Zapraszamy do zamawiania egzemplarzy recenzenckich.
Jury Citation:
"Will Ferguson's 419 points in the direction of something entirely new: the Global Novel. It is a novel emotionally and physically at home in the poverty of Lagos and in the day-to-day of North America. It tells us the ways in which we are now bound together and reminds us of the things that will always keep us apart. It brings us the news of the world far beyond the sad, hungry faces we see on CNN and CBC and far beyond the spreadsheets of our pension plans. Ferguson is a true travel writer, his eye attuned to the last horrible detail. He is also a master at dialogue and suspense. It is tempting to put 419 in some easy genre category, but that would only serve to deny its accomplishment and its genius."
Will Ferguson is the award-winning author of Happiness™, Spanish Fly, and Beyond Belfast. He lives in Calgary with his wife and their two sons.
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