Nowe wydanie bestsellerowej biografii Neila Armstronga

Simon & Schuster will re-release FIRST MAN, the first authorized biography of Neil A. Armstrong, with a new Preface following Armstrong’s recent death.
The original edition of FIRST MAN was praised by Publishers Weekly as “a must for astronaut buffs and history readers alike” and by New York Times Book Review as "a fine authorized biography brimming with groundbreaking research, fresh anecdotes and fair-minded analysis.” On July 20, 1969, the world stood still to watch 38-year-old astronaut Neil A. Armstrong become the first person to step on the surface of the moon. From Armstrong's birth to a middle-class family in Ohio to the mind-boggling fame of the Apollo 11 triumph, Hansen details it all. This incredible biography gives flesh-and-blood reality to a man who is more icon than human.
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