Książka Williama Alexandra finalistką National Book Award

Książka GOBLIN SECRETS, reprezentowanego przez naszą agencję Williama Alexandra, znalazła się w gronie 5 finalistek w kategorii literatura młodzieżowa. Zapraszamy do zamawiania materiałów recenzyjnych!
Rownie, the youngest in Graba the witchworker's household of stray children, escapes and goes looking for his missing brother. Along the way he falls in with a troupe of theatrical goblins and learns the secret origins of masks. Now Graba's birds are hunting him in the Southside of Zombay, the Lord Mayor's guards are searching for him in Northside, and the River between them is getting angry. The city needs saving—and only the goblins know how.
William Alexander studied theater and folklore at Oberlin College and English at the University of Vermont. He currently lives, writes, and teaches in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His short stories have been published in many magazines and anthologies, including Weird Tales, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, Interfictions 2, and Fantasy: The Best of the Year 2008.
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