Jo Nesbø napisze własną wersję Makbeta!

Wydawnictwo Penguin Random House zleciło norweskiemu autorowi kryminałów napisanie nowej wersji „Makbeta”, jednej z najmroczniejszych i najsłynniejszych tragedii Williama Szekspira.
Incredible news – the Hogarth Shakespeare, a major international publishing initiative across the Penguin Random House Group – has commissioned Jo Nesbo to retell Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s darkest and most powerful tragedies.
Jo says: ‘Macbeth is a story that is close to my heart because it tackles topics I’ve been dealing with since I started writing. A main character who has the moral code and the corrupted mind, the personal strength and the emotional weakness, the ambition and the doubts to go either way. A thriller about the struggle for power, set both in a gloomy, stormy crime noir-like setting and in a dark, paranoid human mind. No, it does not feel too far from home. And, yes, it is a great story. And, no, I will not attempt to do justice to William Shakespeare nor the story. I will20simply take what I find of use and write my own story. And, yes, I will have the nerve to call it Macbeth.’
Jo joins an illustrious line-up of novelists on the new Hogarth Shakespeare list, which sees contemporary authors retelling Shakespeare’s plays for a twenty-first century audience. The series will launch in 2016 to coincide with the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death.
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