MAGVETŐ - nowa reprezentacja

ANAW rozpoczyna współpracę z czołowym węgierskim wydawnictwem MAGVETŐ - wydawcąörgy'ego Spiró, który odwiedzi Polskę w dniach 14 - 17 maja.
Kontakt w sprawie materiałów recenzenckich:
Justyna Czechowska
Magvető: Publisher of the Year in 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011 and 2013
Magvető has become synonymous with sophisticated books and literature, and the publication of great moments of the culture of human language. In addition to the works of Hungary’s Nobel Prize winner, Imre Kertész, Magvető publishes great and influential writers such as Pál Závada, Péter Esterházy, György Spiró, Ádám Bodor, Zsuzsa Rakovszky, Lajos Parti Nagy, István Szilágyi, Ádám Nádasdy, László Krasznahorkai and László Bertók. Magvető also publishes the works of the next generation of great writers, including the poems and novels of László Darvasi, György Dragomán, Mari Falcsik, Noémi Kiss, Krisztián Grecsó, Zsolt Nagy Koppány, Virág Erdős, Gábor Vida, Tamás Jónás, Krisztina Tóth, Dániel Varró, Ferenc Barnás, Attila Bartis, Éva Bánki, Éva Berniczky, Anna Szabó T. Being published by Magvető is a prestigious honour for Hungarian authors. The works of contemporary writers such as Péter Esterházy, György Spiró, Pál Závada and Zsuzsa Rakovszky are regularly included in the top lists of many literary circles, and they sell tens of thousands of copies. Imre Kertész’ novel, Fateless, has sold more copies than any other book in recent Hungarian history.
As for Hungarian classics, we continue to publish the oeuvre series of Géza Csáth, Ottó Orbán, György Petri, Miklós Szentkuthy, Géza Ottlik, György Kardos G., Sándor Lénárd and Antal Szerb. Since the 1960s, we have published two annual compilations: Panorama (Körkép) and Fine Poetry (Szép versek) for the Book Week Festival, carefully editing into single volumes the best works of literature from the preceding year. We are reviving the annual compilation, Rivalda, that includes the best dramas of the year. We also publish remarkable essay collections from authors such as Péter György, András Nagy and György Poszler.
While our main profile is the publication of contemporary Hungarian poetry and prose, we could call Gabriel García Márquez, Frank McCourt, Cormac McCarthy, Thomas Pynchon, Michel Houellebecq, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Anna Gavalda, Juan Marsé or Terézia Mora “resident authors”. In 2004 we began to publish classics of world literature in our White Crow Books – Magvető Classics series. These include the various works of Faulkner, Maupassant, Turgenev, Goethe, Lawrence, Stanisław Lem, Steinbeck, Chekhov, Dickens, Alain-Fournier, Heinrich Mann, Ajar, Flaubert, Nabokov, Dreiser. We believe that these works should be on the bookshelves of every well-informed family – however, they have long been unavailable in bookshops, sometimes even in second-hand ones.
We are especially proud of the numerous prestigious awards that our Authors and Group members have earned.
In 2002, Imre Kertész became the first Hungarian to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Magvető has published his works since the nineteen-nineties.
The prestigious annual Hungarian Literature Prize has been awarded to Magvető authors: Péter Esterházy in 2000, Ádám Bodor and István Szilágyi in 2001, Zsuzsa Rakovszky in 2002 and Lajos Parti Nagy in 2003. György Spiró received the Aegon Art Prize in 2006 (this award has replaced the annual Hungarian Literature Prize), and the Artisjus Literary Grand Prize in 2012. Krisztián Grecsó was awarded the the Aegon Art Prize in 2012.
A book by László Darvasi and Dániel Varró was awarded children’s book of the year. The Budapest Grand Prize was awarded to Imre Kertész in 1997. Several of our authors have been awarded the Kossuth Prize, the highest state level acknowledgement of achievement in Hungary, and other prestigious awards from the state for service to the arts.
Magvető became Publisher of the Year in 2003, 2006, and following many successful years as first runner up, in 2010, 2011 and 2013.
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