BORGO PROPIZIO by Loredana Limone, a charming debut novel which won the PREMIO FELLINI Literary Award.
Belinda intends to reinvent her life and Borgo Propizio, a village on a hill, in an Italy apparently a bit out of time, seems to her the ideal place to start again. The small town is decayed and it is rumoured that a restless ghost haunts her new home but Belinda can’t wait to move into her new life, leave behind a job she hates and forget earlier romantic mistakes. However she hadn’t expected various village eccentrics to step into her new life and cause havoc!
Meet Ruggero, the builder who is doing up her shop: a rough diamond who would be capable of building a cathedral if only somebody would ask him. He shares a house with his very old parents and his life is full of dramas. Mariolina and Marietta are single sisters in their forties. Mariolina is terrified that she will rust away behind her desk in the town council and become old, forever stuck in Borgo Propzio where she lives with Marietta, Borgo Propizio’s crochet queen. Happily things liven up for Mariolina when she meets Ruggero! Although when she is spotted with him inside a car, an inevitable village gossip chain is unleashed courtesy of the relentless gossip Donna Elvira and the eternally frustrated Dora.
In the meantime, Belinda’s mother Claudia sets off on her own for a holiday; Cesare is afraid that she will fall in love with Romeo, the hunky tourist village leader, so along with Belinda he decides to set up a plan to bring her back. Who else will help them but nutty eccentric Aunt Letizia, ardent fan of a famous singer whom she refers to as GM: the Great Musician.
This is just a glimpse of what makes up this funny and uplifting novel by Neapolitan debut writer Loredana Limone. A new voice that will make you fall in love with the characters of Borgo Propizio and inspire you with joy. This is a novel that shows how life with all its complications can be simple and happy if only we are brave enough to be true to ourselves. Loredana Limone has just completed a sequel titled E SE LE STELLE.
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