DJANGO UNCHAINED (graphic novel) - Quentin Tarantino

After publishing a 5-comic serialization of Quentin Tarantino’s DJANGO UNCHAINED, DC Comics will then publish the comics together as a hardcover graphic novel (a compilation of the series) in June 2013.
As many of you know well, Quentin completely immerses himself in the worlds he creates for all of his movies. A character that may only appear for a few minutes on screen has already been fully fleshed out by Quentin when he writes his screenplays. For every character, no matter how minor the role in the final film, Quentin has created a whole universe, a full and complete history of each character—from birth to death. This graphic novel will contain many elements, story lines, etc that will NOT appear in the movie. This should not be considered a straightforward movie tie-in – in fact the graphic novel publishes several months after the movie is released in the US.
This will be an amazing blend of the mad genius of Quentin and the artistry of talented Serbian comic book illustrator R.M. Guéra (, known for his work on the Vertigo series Scalped.
The movie Django Unchained, written and directed by Academy Award-winner Quentin Tarantino, stars Academy Award-winner Jamie Foxx as Django, Academy Award-winner Christoph Waltz as Dr. King Shultz, Academy Award-nominee Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie, Kerry Washington, and Academy Award-nominee Samuel L. Jackson. The film will be released internationally by Sony Pictures.
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