DON’T GIVE UP, DON’T GIVE IN - Louis Zamperini & David Rensin

97 year old Louis Zamperini has lived one of the most amazing life stories imaginable. The story of an Olympic athlete, a soldier, a prisoner of war in a Japanese camp in WWII. He told it himself in the 2003 book DEVIL AT MY HEELS. But then Laura Hillenbrand told it in her 2010 book UNBROKEN-- a book that has been on the New York Times bestseller list for three years running-- and Louis became a worldwide symbol for the power of human resilience.
Louis' story is about to be told in an even bigger way, in a major motion picture of "Unbroken," coming from Universal Pictures on Christmas Day (USA) 2014-- and in early 2015 through most of the rest of the world. The film, directed by Angelia Jolie, is already being touted as a major Oscar candidate for 2014. Its story of inspiration and resilience is universal and magical, and the worldwide love of Hillenbrand's book guarantees a major commercial reception.
Now, Louie wants one more word: to tell people some of the wonderful lessons he has learned in his extraordinary life, a small book of new adventures, inspirational insights, and common-sense values from the unbroken life he came home to live; a book which he hopes will accomplish what he has tried so hard to do for much of his life: to help people find ways to overcome adversity and live the life they want to live.
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Piotr Wawrzeńczyk