LOVE LIKE THE MOVIES - Victoria Van Tiem

Love Like the Movies
Pocket, February 2014. North American.
UK: Macmillan. Italy: Fanucci/Leggereditore. Russia: AST Publishers. Brazil: Verus Editora. Czech: Mlada fronta. Slovak: Fortuna Libri.
Manuscript available.
Kensington Shaw has it all, a great job, a gorgeous fiancé and well…okay, so maybe she doesn't have it all. Because while it seems like her life is perfect from the outside, from the inside she struggles with a mother who worships at the altar of Ren (her oh so perfect sister-in-law), a frenemy at work she's not sure she can totally trust, and a fiancé she's not sure she really loves. Her entire world spins into chaos when a guy from her past shows up at her office. Shane Bennett, her college boyfriend. Their relationship was all fireworks and earthquakes, until the day he cheated on her, dumped her, and flew back to his native home of England, never really telling her why.
Kensington thought she'd moved on, but now Shane's back ten years later, looking better than ever and telling her the past she thought she knew she didn't really know at all. The company she works for is financially strapped and the only way to save it is to get their hands on Shane Bennett's money. But the only way he will hand it over is if Kensington agrees to join him in a reenactment of the top ten best moments in cinema. Reluctantly, she agrees to act out the romantic movie scenes and discovers along the way that the love she'd felt for Shane has never really disappeared and that sometimes being true to yourself means learning you can't please everyone.
IT WAS F*CKING DELICIOUS…When I was done with the book, I found myself not wanting to say goodbye to Kenzi, and to me, that’s the sign of a good goddamn story. Reading Love Like The Movies, it was exactly what I needed and I’m telling you right f*cking now that you need to read it too.” —Nikki Knepper, author of Moms Who Drink and Swear
“I enjoyed reading this story a lot. I laughed, I cried, I almost didn’t sleep! Victoria Van Tiem is an author to watch. She has a winner in this debut novel, and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.”—The Romance Reviews Blog
“If you are a fan of romantic comedy movies, you need to read this book… By the time the book ended, I was both laughing and crying. That ending was absolute perfection… It was an amazing book.” —Smitten With Reading Blog
“Love Like the Movies is great fun. It really does read like one of those great romantic comedies of the 1980s and ’90s. It’s a book that will leave you with a silly smile on your face and feeling good for days.” —Floating Leaves Blog
“Calling all Chick Lit and RomCom fans .. are you a hopeless sucker for true love romance stories and iconic romantic comedy movies? If so, then boy do I have a must read book for you! In her debut novel, Love Like The Movies, author Victoria Van Tiem weaves a wonderful romantic comedy that will melt your heart.”–Jersey Girl Book Reviews
“This book made my got to have list. I am a HUGE fan of romantic comedies and this book was a fun read…This book has 10 of my all time favorite movies mentioned and a HEA to boot. What more could you want to read and enjoy?”–Romancebookworm’s Reviews
“With lots of funny moments and a clever premise, this is a promising debut which will particularly appeal to people who love romantic movies.”–Chicklit Club
“…what a gorgeous feel good read Love Like The Movies is…The book is fast paced, funny and also heartwarming. I raced through it and it definitely bought out the romantic in me…A great debut novel and feel good read. I can imagine all the romantics amongst us who want some escapism lapping this book up over the summer.” —Jill Loves to Read blog
“I think the entire premise of the novel is spot-on and very clever. Victoria Van Tiem cleverly blends in the famous romantic comedy scenes into the plot and I’m telling you, she made it work…Love Like The Movies is definitely a fabulous tale of following your heart and truly believing those who love you. With a sublime ending fit for a rom com heroine – the crème de la crème of every love story, I whooped and cheered for Kenzi when she finally got her happy ever after. An exceptional debut by Victoria Van Tiem – a fresh voice in chick lit and one to be watched. Perfect for fans of classic romantic comedies and heart-warming declarations of love.” —I Heart Chick Lit blog
“It’s quirky, funny and its soooo romantic it deserves to be made into a movie itself. A quick fun read perfect for giving you that feelgood rom-com buzz!” —One More Page blog
“I really loved this book and can't wait to read more from Victoria…[It] is one of the funniest and most enjoyable stories I have read in a chick lit book. Kenzi gets herself into some outrageously funny situations and I couldn't turn the pages quick enough…For rom-com fans looking for a seriously enjoyable and fun read you should definitely pick this book up. A must read this Summer! The writing was brilliant also and reminicent of somebody writing for years, can't wait to see what's to come from Victoria in the future!” —Book Addict Shaun blog
“I thoroughly enjoyed this book, the movie references were absolutely great and the ending left a huge smile on my face, what more do you want from a book? To miss out on this book would be a big mistake, big, HUGE!”—Rachale’s Reads blog
“Can I give this 11 stars? I loved this book BEYOND words…This book was so beyond amazing. I laughed I swooned, I think I had a perma-smile on my face THE ENTIRE TIME. Plus it was a clean romance, and I truly 110% loved it. You NEED to read this ASAP and then fangirl with me after you have. It’s THAT good.” —The Chiq Blog
Renata Paczewska