LA MUJER LOCA - Juan José Millás

200 pgs.
Spain and Latin America: Seix Barral, 2014
Portugal: Planeta Manuscrito
Egypt: The General Egyptian Book Organization
Serbia: RDP B92
Julia works at a fish stand and goes about her everyday life in Madrid -single, no kids, and at first glance with no big excitements. But for Julia, who chooses language as her new hobby, words are just as real as people and objects, and why would we think otherwise? What makes it right to say “I am a wrong sentence” and then wrong to say “I am a sentence good”? And why can´t the word “poorblem” exist instead of “problem” if we want it to? Tongue-tied, perplexed and never predictable, perhaps the only person who can help her out is her boss Roberto, who also happens to have his undergraduate degree in Spanish. She might be a lost cause until something else unexpected happens: Millás himself makes a long cameo, giving up on his shrink and in search of a new muse for his next novel. Not only can Julia help him unwind his reason but she might also trigger that next milestone in his career: a literary style and maturity like never before. Paying witness to these searches and queries, readers are taken on an intelligent and hilarious fast-paced thrill ride where not even as outsiders can we help being estranged by those same familiar words used day in and day out.
Piotr Wawrzeńczyk