Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies? - Jena Pincott

Brain Candy for expectant parents!
Pregnancy is an adventure.
Lots of books tell you the basics—“the baby is the size of [insert fruit here].” But pregnant science writer Jena Pincott began to wonder just how a baby might tinker with her body—and vice versa—and chased down answers to the questions she wouldn’t ask her doctor, such as:
• Does stress sharpen your baby’s mind—or dull it?
• Can you predict your baby’s temperament?
• Why are babies born in the darker months of the year more likely to grow up to be novelty-loving risk takers?
• Are bossy, dominant women more likely to have boys?
• How can the cells left behind by your baby affect you years later?
This is a different kind of pregnancy book—thoughtful, fun, and filled with information you won’t find anywhere else.
A lively, accessible romp through the science of pregnancy...with wit, personal anecdotes and playful humor. -- Kirkus (starred review)
What a charm!...Enjoyable, insightful, and fascinating...This winning title deserves some talking up. -- Library Journal (starred review)
Pincott writes with humor and vibrancy, bringing science to life. -- Publishers Weekly
“Do Chocolate Lovers have Sweeter Babies is utterly fascinating … and a great read.”
—Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician and author of the New York Times bestsellers: Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
“Having delivered many babies in Africa and raised one of my own, I was thrilled to find plenty of old-fashioned common sense suffusing Pincott’s survey of cutting-edge research. Casual, but never careless, her light style is a fine complement to her balanced, informed scholarship. Covering everything from martinis to Mozart, Pincott’s book is full of useful thinking that will inform and comfort expectant mothers (and fathers) everywhere.”
—Cacilda Jethá, M.D., co-author (with Christopher Ryan) of Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality
"In Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies?, Jena Pincott takes us on a fascinating tour through the science of pregnancy. She answers questions, shares stories, and passes on insights gleaned from her exhaustive research. Reading it is like having a friend—an extraordinarily wise, funny, and well-informed friend—walk you through the nine months before birth. Pincott tells you everything you wanted to know about pregnancy but were afraid to ask."
—Annie Murphy Paul, author of Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives
"Delightful! This book is destined to become everywoman's --and man's --secret guide to pregnancy. A must read."
—Louann Brizendine, M.D. neuropsychiatrist author of The Female Brain and The Male Brain
From the Author
Science writer Jena Pincott spent her pregnancy and postpartum months asking the questions that doctors don't answer, and finding answers that expectant mothers will not expect. In this curiosity-led exploration into the "hidden side" of pregnancy, learn how amniotic fluid carries flavors and genes can play favorites, semen can be a fetus's friend or foe, the brain shrinks then grows, and what mind-control chemicals are doing in breast milk, sweat, and tears.
Drawing on studies in evolutionary psychology, biology, social science, neuroscience, reproductive genetics, endocrinology, and epigenetics, the influence of environment on the behavior of genes, Pincott explores questions such as:
* Why are your dreams more vivid?
* Why do skinny chicks have more daughters?
* Is the fetus tinkering with your brain?
* What does the baby's birth season predict about her personality?
* What do fetuses learn when they eavesdrop?
* Do boys really give you basketball bumps?
* Do fidgety fetuses become feisty babies?
* Where does maternal instinct come from?
* Does your stress sharpen your baby's mind -- or dull it?
* Can men breastfeed?
* Do mommies have better brains?
* How could Grandma's diet affect your child?
Agata Żabowska