Kontorsninja / Office Ninja can be described as a mixture of the TV-series The Office and the graphic novel Dilbert, with a touch of Fight Club. Imagine that mixed with Being John Malkovich!
A dark and witty satire on office life, set in a large office complex about 20 minutes outside Stockholm. On one of the myriad identical office floors resides Helm Tech, a company in the “safety market" providing bicycle helmets to the Swedish consumer. Jens Jansen, a brand manager at Helm Tech, has up until now lead a very ordinary middle class life. As a middle manager, Jens Jansen does his outmost to avoid actual work. His marriage is in crumbles, and he couldn’t care less. When he suspects he will be promoted, being forced to do actual work, he plans his own disappearance. But he does not travel the world, no, he hides in the office, in the server room that no one uses. He crawls through the ventilation system to go to the bathroom, and eats his colleagues' lunches. He is in fact so ordinary that it takes weeks before anyone at the office realizes Jens is in fact no longer there.
A twisted dark humorous novel about a different type of disappearance. A story that pinpoints this modern times’ worries and issues, and includes well directed critique of today’s society and lifestyle. A funny, very smart and sometimes tragicomic story about a man who no longer wants to exist and decides to disappear in the most unusual way.
"Lars Berge’s ‘The Office’-inspired debut is a quirky contemporary farce that ends in a knock-out punch, an intelligent satire on the management culture that has elevated empty rhetoric into law. Also - not least - it is the story of a man wearing adult diapers." / M-Magazine
"With ‘Office Ninja’, Lars Berge has succeeded in hitting a raw nerve in social development. Not even Ricky Gervais in the TV series ‘The Office’ managed to make modern working life seem so frightfully empty." /Arbetarbladet
"‘Office Ninja’ is an inventive, well written and socially apt debut novel with common ground both with modern office satire (‘Dilbert’ and ‘The Office’) and socialist thinkers such as André Gorz. Apparently a humorous bestiary of the fauna of the office landscape, it turns into a manifesto against maleness, the winner mentality and the alienation of wage slavery." /Svenska Dagbladet
"...above all, ‘Office Ninja’ is a fine example of the eternal mystery of workplace humour: that something so fundamentally dull can be made so entertaining." /Helsingborgs Dagblad
Lars Berge, b. 1974, is a journalist, documentary film maker and script author. This is his debut novel.
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