+48 531 735 150

Cilla Naumann

Cilla Naumann

writes touching novels that deal with the questions of life. 

Her stories might start out as a description of a contemporary phenomenon or a political issue but very soon the story unfolds on many levels. The stories are both thrilling and serious. With her stories Cilla Naumann puts the light on existential questions and the reader will be astonished.

Being a former journalist Cilla Naumann is interested not only in what happens in the stories but also in the technique of telling the story. She knows what she is doing and sometimes it feels as the characters of the novel are in the room. The books are true pageturners, yet one never wants them to end. The reading experience is easy with a deep touch and Naumann is clearly one of our times really good and honest story tellers – one of those who asks the questions and not just delivers the answers.


2012 – Running With Oars (Springa med åror), novel
2009 – Round in Circles (I cirklarna runt), novel
2007 – What Do You See Now (Vad ser du nu), novel
2004 – Flee (Fly), novel
2002 – Those who Trespass Against Us (Dem oss skyldiga äro), novel
2000 – Them (Dom), novel
1998 – The Waves Alma, the Waves (Vågorna Alma, vågorna), novel
1996 – Waiting Back (Väntan tillbaka), novel
1995 – Water Heart (Vattenhjärta), novel



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