Rhonda Byrne
Rhonda Byrne’s intention is to bring joy to billions....

is a very well established author. Her books have been sold in more than 300 000 copies in Sweden.
They have been translated and sold to several countries. 1999 she was awarded with the Widding prize for her historical novels. Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg started her career as a journalist and a diving archaeologist and spent fifteen years of her life investigating our history on the bottom of oceans all over the world. She took part in expeditions exploring everything from Viking ships to East Indian ships. A real adventurer! Her books have found an audience among men and women of all ages.
Author's website: www.catharinaingelman-sundberg.com
2012 – Coffee and Robbery (Kaffe med rån), novel
2010 – The Temple Fire (Tempelbranden), historical novel
2009 – Liberated (Befriad), third part in trilogy, historical novel
2007 – Persecuted (Förföljd), second part in trilogy, historical novel
2006 – Stigmatized (Brännmärkt), first part in trilogy, historical novel
2001 – Mighty Man’s Woman (Mäktig mans kvinna), historical novel
1999 – Viking Gold (Vikingaguld), third part in trilogy, historical novel
1997 – Viking Silver (Vikingasilver), second part in trilogy, historical novel
1995 – Viking Sacrifice (Vikingablot), first part in trilogy, historical novel
1991 – The Struggle Against Breakers (Kampen mot bränningarna), historical novel
Rhonda Byrne’s intention is to bring joy to billions....
is a medical malpractice lawyer in New York City and serves...