Amanda Palmer
Amanda’s audience is huge and passionate. (Her viral February 2013 TED talk,...

Håkan Östlundh brings his readers right into the action, amuses them, makes them nervous, angry, happy and sad with his knife-sharp skill visualizing scenes and creating characters.
Not a single detail in the text is left hanging; everything has its reason. In his detective novels, he’s not just interested in his heroes but also allows his criminals their side of the story, so that the reader understands reasons underlying the evil they encounter.
Håkan Östlundh’s books have a touch of both Joyce Carol Oates and Dennis Lehane. His stories are based on intrigue but his details make the scenes come alive. Once you sit down to read one of his novels, you won’t want to put it down, and once you’re finished, you won’t forget them, perhaps because the solutions are not simple and morality not as clear-cut as you would imagine.
Håkan Östlund spends his summers on the Swedish island of Gotland and his winters in Stockholm. He has studied literature and worked as a journalist. He’s also written a great deal for television and film, including the detective series Höök, the drama series The Sixth Day (Sjätte dagen) and the cartoon series Jerry and his three Friends (De tre vännerna och Jerry).
Author’s website: www.hakanostlundh.se
2012 – Lawless Country (Laglöst land), crime novel
2011 – The Intruder (Inkräktaren), crime novel
2010 – To Catch an Angel (Jag ska fånga en ängel), novel
2008 – Sacrifice (Blot), crime novel
2006 – Terror (Terror)crime novel
2005 – The Diver (Dykaren), crime novel
2004 – Seaweed (Släke), crime novel
Other Works:
1996 – Crazy Daddy (Galnopappan), children’s book
1986 – The Locals (Infödingar), novel
1985 – Snow in Summer (Sommarsnö), novel
1981 – White Faces (Vita ansikten), young adult novel
Amanda’s audience is huge and passionate. (Her viral February 2013 TED talk,...
one of America's most provocative non-fiction writers.