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Torkel Klingberg

Torkel Klingberg

Torkel Klingberg is an exciting author who takes the reader on a whirlwind tour through the innermost workings of the human brain, and answers questions such as why humans are getting smarter with each passing generation.

He writes in the same tradition as Saplosky (Why Zebras don’t get Ulcers), and gives the reader a high level of scientific information in a wonderfully informative way!

Torkel Klingberg is a doctor and professor at Karolinska Institute, where he is researching the neurological mechanisms used in concentration and memory, especially in the world of work. Above all, he has studied how the brain’s capacities develop during childhood and how these capacities can be improved with training.

Torkel Klingberg is internationally renowned within his field. His research has been well-received by the scientific community and the international media. Articles have appeared in Scientific American and New Scientist, and he has been awarded recognition by the International Neuropsychological Association and also seen as a Research Leader of the Future (Framtidens Forskningsledare) by the Strategist Research Institute (Siftelsen Strategisk Forskning) and he also has an academic research position at the Royal Scientific Institute (Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien).


Official website: www.klingberglab.se


1. The Learning Brain, (Den lärande hjärnan), popular psychology 2011

2. The Overflowing Brain (Den översvämmande hjärnan), popular psychology 2007



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