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Elizabeth Rosner

Elizabeth Rosner

Elizabeth Rosner grew up in Schenectady, New York as a daughter of Jewish holocaust survivors. 

Her father, who was born in Hamburg, Germany, was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp, while her mother survived the war by hiding in the Polish countryside. Much of Ms. Rosner’s writing reflects her efforts to come to terms with the impact of her parents’ experiences on her own life, the indelible imprints of their history on her language, her identity, and her imagination.

Her third novel, ELECTRIC CITY, is forthcoming from Counterpoint Press in October 2014. Told through the refracting lens of memory, history and invention, this story is about the scientific ingenuity and emotional ambition that gave rise to an American town.

Rosner is a graduate of Stanford University, the MFA Program at U.C. Irvine, and the University of Queensland in Australia. Now living in Berkeley, California, she is a full-time writer, having been an instructor of creative writing and composition at the college level for thirty years. She has traveled extensively throughout the world, including long-term stays in the Philippines, Israel, Australia, Sweden, and Mexico.




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