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Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong is one of the world’s leading commentators on religious affairs. She is a best-selling author, whose books have been translated into forty-five languages.

 Her books include: Through the Narrow Gate, an autobiographical work [1981]; The Gospel According to Woman [1986]; Holy War, The Crusades and their Impact on Today’s World [1988]; Muhammad, A Biography of the Prophet [1991]; A History of God [1993], which became an international bestseller; Jerusalem, One City, Three Faiths [1996]; and In the Beginning, A New Interpretation of Genesis [1996]; The Battle for God, A History of Fundamentalism [2000]; and Islam, A Short History [2000]; Buddha (2001); The Spiral Staircase: A Memoir (2004); A Short History of Myth (2005).The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions (2006); Muhammad: A Prophet for our Time (2006), The Bible: A Biography (2007), The Case for God (2009) and Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life (2011).

She is a UN Ambassador for the Alliance of Civilizations, recipient of a TED prize and, amongst other international awards, was given a medal for Arts and Sciences by the Egyptian government for her services to Islam under the auspices of the prestigious Al-Azhar madrassah, the first foreigner to have been awarded this decoration.



Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton
Boris Fishman

Boris Fishman

as born in Minsk, in the former Soviet Union, in 1979, and emigrated to the United States...

Boris Fishman