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Robin Black

Robin Black

author of the critically acclaimed short story collection If I Loved You, I Would Tell You This, a finalist for the Frank O’Connor Short Story Prize.

Her stories and essays have appeared in numerous publications, including One Story, Colorado Review, The Georgia Review, The Southern Review, O: The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, and the anthology The Best Creative Nonfiction, Vol. I. A recipient of fellowships from the Leeway Foundation and the MacDowell Colony, Black was the 2012 Distinguished Visiting Writer at Bryn Mawr College and has taught most recently in the Brooklyn College MFA Program. She lives with her family in Philadelphia.




Mario Puzo

Mario Puzo

was Italian American author and Academy Winner...

Mario Puzo
Sally  Howard

Sally Howard

Sally Howard is a travel, social trends and reportage features writer and author.

Sally  Howard