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Tosca Lee

Tosca Lee

author of the critically acclaimed Demon: A Memoir; Havah: The Story of Eve; and Forbidden: The Books of Mortals series with New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker.

She is best known for her exploration of maligned characters, strong prose and solid research. In 2010, Tosca left her position as a Senior Consultant to Fortune 500 companies with the Gallup Organization to write full-time. A former first runner-up to Mrs. United States 1998, Tosca received her B.A. in English and International Relations from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts with studies at Oxford University. She is a lifelong world adventure traveler whose most recent adventures included piranha fishing on the Amazon. To learn more about Tosca, visit www.toscalee.com



Vasily Grossman

Vasily Grossman

Vasily Grossman was born into a Jewish family in the Ukraine...

Vasily Grossman
Adena Halpern

Adena Halpern

Adena Halpern